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Types of Adapters

At the fundamental level, Adama is a builder of webservices. Its task is to abstract the infrastructure necessary to publish a webservice, such as security, scalability, fault tolerance, monitoring, caching, etc. A developer of an adapter can concentrate just in the source and transformations of the data.

To make it easy to develop webservices, Adama provides several types of adapters, trying to minimize the amount of code a developer has to write.



A webservice is a function or process (usually located at some URL) that accepts a HTTP request (usually a GET or POST, but in general any HTTP verb) and returns a response. The type of response varies wildy: JSON, text, images, HTML, etc. In Adama there are extra features for dealing with the JSON type, since it's the preferred format for webservices.

We denote a webservice that returns a response of type T by

WST ≡ Request → T


Simple webservices

We call simple webservice to a webservice that restricts the request types to just a GET with query parameters. Such requests have the form:


In other words, a simple webservice is a service that accepts a set of key/values and returns a response of type T. We denote it with the symbol:

SimpleWST ≡ {key : value} → T

Adama prefers simple webservices that return data as an array of JSON objects: SimpleWS[JSON].

There are two types of adapters that return a simple webservice of type [JSON]:

  • query: a query adapter has the type:

    ({k : v} → Stream(JSON)) → SimpleWS[JSON]

    This means that the developer provides a function that accepts a set of key/values and that returns a stream of JSON objects. Given this function, Adama constructs a simple webservice that accepts a GET request with query parameters and returns an array of JSON objects.

    To return a stream of JSON objects, the developer just has to print to standard output, separating each object with the line ---.

  • map_filter: a map_filter adapter has the type:

    (JSON → JSON, SimpleWS[JSON]) → SimpleWS[JSON]

    This adapter takes two arguments: a function that transforms JSON objects, and an existing simple webservice returning an array of JSON objects. Given those parameters, Adama constructs a simple webservice that consists in transforming the output of the original webservice via the provided function.

There are two additional adapters that provide extra functionality, for the cases when returning JSON objects is not feasible:

  • generic: a generic adapter is similar to a query adapter, but the return type is arbitrary:

    ({k : v} → T) → SimpleWST

    Also, rather than returning an stream via printing to standard output, a generic adapter simply returns the object of type T.

  • passthrough: a passthrough adapter makes Adama a proxy for an arbitrary existing webservice. The type is:

    (WST) → WST

    That is, it takes an existing webservice and it constructs the same webservice, except by changing the URL and by providing extra features such as caching, authentication, etc.