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There aren’t any labels for this repository quite yet.

Good First Issue
Good First Issue
Good for newcomers.
Help Wanted
Help Wanted
Assistance is welcome.
needs more info
needs more info
Priority: Critical
Priority: Critical
Should be addressed ASAP.
Priority: High
Priority: High
Should be addressed ASAP.
Priority: Low
Priority: Low
May or may not be addressed.
Priority: Medium
Priority: Medium
Should be addressed.
Status: Canceled
Status: Canceled
Closed without committing work.
Status: Done
Status: Done
Work is complete.
Status: In Progress
Status: In Progress
Someone is working on this.
Status: Needs More Info
Status: Needs More Info
Needs more detail.
Status: Needs Review
Status: Needs Review
Needs to be reviewed.
Status: Needs Revision
Status: Needs Revision
Needs changes to be approved.
Status: Pending
Status: Pending
Work has not yet begun.
Type: Bug
Type: Bug
Something is not working.
Type: Documentation
Type: Documentation
Documentation is missing or incomplete.
Type: Enhancement
Type: Enhancement
New feature or improvement.
Type: Question
Type: Question
I want to know more about this project.
Type: Upgrade
Type: Upgrade
Needs to support a newer version of Aras Innovator.