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v2.1 release

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@ArashEM ArashEM released this 11 Aug 02:41

Release note

Here is changes in v2.1 release


  1. Enable EXTI for KEY[1,2,3]
  2. Add volume Up/Down via KEY1/KEY2 (Not very good implementation)
  3. Add timer callback to turn backligh off after 10s (if no button is pressed)

Bug fixes

  1. Increase vatask_hmi stack size which casue lots of error (configCHECK_FOR_STACK_OVERFLOW should be disable after development) for example:
    • configASSERT: ../Middlewares/Third_Party/FreeRTOS/Source/tasks.c:2890:vTaskSwitchContext
    • random HardFault
    • Tracealyzer warning TRACE_ASSERT: prvTraceStoreKernelCallWithParam: Invalid value for objectNumber
  2. Add two startup mode
    • If no SD card is presented, player tasks are not started
    • if KEY4 is pressed, USB MSD is started

Known issues

  1. Initial implementation of NEXT functionality via KEY3 After multiple pressing f_open() retures 18 which means FR_TOO_MANY_OPEN_FILES


  1. Add debounce timer (which is not used yet)
  2. Move all FatFs related functions to vtask_controller()
  3. vtask_vs10xx is started only after receiving PLAY command
  4. vtask_hmi receive it's messages from command queue
  5. Add box and it's cover files (ready to be printed)
  6. Add BOX related files
  7. Move some initialization to helper.c
  8. Enable software timer of FreeRTOS Increase heap size to 10KiB
  9. Move HAL callbacks for separated file
  10. Enable SPI2_TX DMA to be used for STemWin