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This repository contains analysis code to accompany the publication 'Identifying the phylogenetic utility of Raman spectra'.

Notebooks containing expanded methods and the code + analyses for generating all figures in the publication can be found in this Jupyter notebook.

This repository uses conda to manage software environments and installations. You can find operating system-specific instructions for installing miniconda here. After installing conda and mamba, run the following command to create the run environment.

mamba env create --file environment.yml
mamba activate raman-taxonomy

Following this, you can run the Jupyter notebook as usual.

Note: The conda environment has been tested with a Mac OSX running the Intel x64 architecture. While most packages should be available on Linux distributions, not all packages are available on the new Apple M1/M2 ARM64 architecture.

Directory structure

00_data/ Raman spectra and associated metadata.
01_notebooks/ Jupyter notebooks outlining the full suite of analyses presented in the pub.
02_outputs/ Outputs associated with the pub.


Raman spectra data from Ho et al. 2019 were acquired from the link provided with the original publication. The taxonomic breadth and sample sizes (n=100/strain) led us to decide on using this dataset for these exploratory analyses.

Taxonomic classifications were obtained by searching for each species on the NCBI Taxonomy Database.

The time-calibrated tree was downloaded from by querying species names.

R packages and versions used in this repo:

TreeDist v2.6.0
scales v1.2.1
phytools v1.2-0
ape v3.4.1
lsa v0.73.3
plotrix v3.8-2
reticulate v1.27
here v1.0.1
