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Support Treasury Development

Lachlan edited this page Jun 13, 2023 · 4 revisions

This page is complete and is valid as of Treasury v2.0.0.

Why support Treasury?

Treasury is, and always will be, free and open source software. Nobody is paid to maintain it. For this, Treasury is kept alive from the generosity of those who use it.

The maintainers enforce a high standard across the resource to try ensure the resource is in a great state before it lands on the doorstep of the server owners and plugin developers utilizing it. To these server owners and plugin developers, we also provide quality support, free of charge, on the ArcanePlugins Discord Server. Our support has often been described as rivaling (if not, surpassing) the quality provided by premium resources on the platform.

In return for our services, we would greatly appreciate if you supported the development of Treasury. This maintains a rate of development and free support.

How to support Treasury

  1. Add your review on Treasury's SpigotMC page.
    • Can be as short or long as you want. We're interested in your feedback. Leaving your feedback in the reviews section allows us, and the rest of the Spigot community, to see what you think.
  2. Send a donation to any of Treasury's maintainers and contributors.
    • Opt-in to receive a donator role on the ArcanePlugins Discord Server. You can also be publicly thanked for your donation (also opt-in). Please ask @lokka30 on the Discord server if you are interested (use #general).
  3. Star the Treasury Repository.
    • If you're logged into GitHub, simply click on the Star button.

Thank you for considering supporting the development of Treasury.