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Kotra Dice Roller

C# Application that runs a discord bot to make dice rolls for the TTRPG Knights of the Round: Academy (Kotr:a) Made with .NET 8.0



To publish a build, go to the .cspojs folder and run on the cli

dotnet publish -c release --runtime win-x64 --self-contained false

the .NET 8 sdk is needed to run this command, also the .NET 8 sdk or runtime is needed on the machine where you need to run the application.

after this you can run it as a normal executable.


To publish a build, go to the .cspojs folder and run on the cli

dotnet publish -c release --runtime linux-x64 --self-contained false

put the files published except the .pdb on the linux machine, where the .NET 8 sdk or runtime needs to be installed

then run it using the command

dotnet run KotraBot.dll


For the applcation to work you need to put a secrets.json at root level of the installation of the app, which need to be as the template one in the templates folder,

this is always true for linus, while for windows you could need to to put the file in %appdata%\Microsoft\usersecrets\{APP-GUID}\secrets.json