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Simulating a React page on mobile devices

Jeffery Tung edited this page Dec 1, 2023 · 2 revisions

Simulating a React page on mobile devices can be achieved through various methods, each suitable for different testing needs. Here are some of the common approaches:

1. Browser Developer Tools (Responsive Design Mode)

Modern browsers like Google Chrome and Mozilla Firefox have built-in developer tools that include a responsive design mode. This allows you to simulate various mobile device screens.

Steps to Use

  • Open your React page in the browser.
  • Right-click on the page and select Inspect or press Ctrl+Shift+I (Cmd+Shift+I on Mac).
  • Click on the device toolbar icon or press Ctrl+Shift+M (Cmd+Shift+M on Mac).
  • Choose a device from the top bar or adjust the screen dimensions manually.

simulating mobile device using chrome

2. Mobile Device Emulation Software

Use Android Emulator or iOS Simulator from Android Studio and Xcode, respectively, to run your React application in a simulated mobile OS environment.

Steps to Use

  • Install Android Studio or Xcode.
  • Set up a virtual device in the respective environment.
  • Run your React app and access it through the emulator/simulator browser.

3. Physical Device Testing

For real-world testing, use local network testing to access your React page from an actual mobile device.

Steps to Use

  • Ensure your computer and mobile device are on the same local network.
  • Find your computer's local IP address.
  • Run your React app on your computer.
  • Open a browser on your mobile device and enter your computer’s local IP address followed by the port number (e.g.,

4. Online Tools and Services

Online services like BrowserStack and LambdaTest offer access to a variety of real devices and browsers over the cloud.

Steps to Use

  • Sign up for the service.
  • Follow their instructions to set up and access your React page on various devices and browsers.

Each method offers different advantages, from quick and easy responsive checks to more accurate device-specific testing.