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Arckenver edited this page Jun 19, 2017 · 33 revisions

N.B. "(staff)" annotation for a command means it can only be executed by the president or a minister of the given nation.


  • /n
    • info [nation] - Gives you information about the given nation, or your nation if none specified.
    • here - Gives you information about the nation you're standing on, if any.
    • list - Gives you the list of all nations.
    • create <name> - Create a nation with the given name. Name must be alphanumeric and between 1 and 16 characters (editable in config).
    • deposit <amount> - Deposit specified amount of money in your nation's bank
    • withdraw <amount> - Withdraw specified amount of money from your nation's bank (staff)
    • claim - Make your nation claim the area you've selected with a golden axe. Area must be adjacent to your nation. (staff)
    • claim outpost - Make your nation claim the block your standing on as an outpost. You'll be able to claim normally blocks adjacent to that one. Costs more than a normal claim. (staff)
    • unclaim - Make your nation unclaim thearea you've selected with a golden axe. Area must intersect with your nation's region. (staff)
    • invite <player> - Ask player (must be connected) to join nation. (staff)
    • join <nation> - Ask nation's staff (if any connected) to let you in the nation.
    • kick <player> - Force player to leave the nation. (staff)
    • leave - Leave your nation. If you are president, use /n resign first.
    • resign <successor> - Set given player as the new nation president. (president)
    • spawn <spawn name> - Teleport you to the given spawn.
    • setspawn <spawn name> - Create a new spawn at your location with the given name. (staff)
    • delspawn <spawn name> - Delete given spawn. (staff)
    • buyextra <amount> - Make your nation buy given number of extra blocks. Extra blocks increase your nation's claim limit. Your nation still need to pay for claim fees to claim those extra blocks. (staff)
    • minister
      • add <player> - Add given player to nation's ministers. (president)
      • remove <player> - Remove given player from nation's ministers. (president)
    • perm (staff)
      • outsider
        • build <true|false> - Allow/Disallow people who are not in your nation to place or break blocks in your nation.
        • interact <true|false> - Allow/Disallow people who are not in your nation to open chests, switch doors, push buttons etc in your nation.
      • citizen
        • build <true|false> - Allow/Disallow regular citizens of your nation to place or break blocks in your nation.
        • interact <true|false> - Allow/Disallow regular citizens of your nation to open chests, switch doors, push buttons etc in your nation.
    • flag (staff)
      • pvp <true|false> - Enable/Disable pvp in your nation's region.
      • fire <true|false> - Enable/Disable fire spreading in your nation's region.
      • mobs <true|false> - Enable/Disable mob spawning in your nation's region.
      • explosions <true|false> - Enable/Disable exposions in your nation's region.
      • open <true|false> - Enable/Disable people being able to join freely your nation.
      • public <true|false> - Enable/Disable zone buying for people that are not in your nation.


N.B. When not specified, the zone the plugin considers is the one your standing on, if any. Owner commands (perms, flags, coowners etc) can also be executed by nation staff members.

  • /z
    • info [zone] - Gives you information about the given zone, or the zone you're standing on if none specified.
    • list - Gives you the list of all zones in your nation.
    • create <name> - Create a zone in your nation with the given name defined by the area you've selected with golden axe.
    • coowner
      • add <player> - Make given player coowner of your zone.
      • remove <player> - Remove given player from your zone's coowners.
    • setowner <player> - Make given player owner of your zone. This means you give your zone to that player and you are not owner or coowner of it anymore.
    • delowner - Make the zone owner-free. Also removes the coowners.
    • rename <name> - Rename a zone.
    • sell <amount> - Put the zone up for sale at given price.
    • buy - Make you buy the zone with your money. You become owner of the zone.
    • perm
      • outsider
        • build <true|false> - Allow/Disallow people who are not in your nation to place or break blocks in your zone.
        • interact <true|false> - Allow/Disallow people who are not in your nation to open chests, switch doors, push buttons etc in your zone.
      • citizen
        • build <true|false> - Allow/Disallow regular citizens of the your nation to place or break blocks in your zone.
        • interact <true|false> - Allow/Disallow regular citizens of the your nation to open chests, switch doors, push buttons etc in your zone.
      • coowner
        • build <true|false> - Allow/Disallow your coowners to place or break blocks in your zone.
        • interact <true|false> - Allow/Disallow your coowners to open chests, switch doors, push buttons etc in your zone.
    • flag
      • pvp <true|false> - Enable/Disable pvp in your zone.
      • fire <true|false> - Enable/Disable fire spreading in your zone.
      • mobs <true|false> - Enable/Disable mob spawning in your zone.
      • explosions <true|false> - Enable/Disable exposions in your zone.


  • /na
    • reload - Reloads the config file.
    • create <name> - Create an admin nation. See what admin nations are for more details.
    • delete <nation> - Force delete of given nation. Its players will be kicked out and it will fall into ruins.
    • claim <nation> - Make the given nation claim the area you've selected with a golden axe. Area must be adjacent to your nation.
    • setname <nation> <name> - Set the given nation's name.
    • setpres <nation> <player> - Make given player president of the given nation. Player must be citizen of nation.
    • forcejoin <nation> <player> - Force player to join given nation, if not in another nation already.
    • forceleave <player> - Kick the given player out of his nation.
    • eco
      • give <nation> <amount> - Give to the given nation's bank the given amount of money
      • take <nation> <amount> - Take from the given nation's bank the given amount of money
      • set <nation> <amount> - Set the given nation's money to the given amount
    • perm <nation>
      • outsider
        • build <true|false> - Allow/Disallow people who are not in the given nation to place or break blocks in the given nation.
        • interact <true|false> - Allow/Disallow people who are not in the given nation to place or break blocks in the given nation.
      • citizen
        • build <true|false> - Allow/Disallow regular citizens of the given nation to place or break blocks in the given nation.
        • interact <true|false> - Allow/Disallow regular citizens of the given nation to place or break blocks in the given nation.
    • flag <nation>
      • pvp <true|false> - Enable/Disable pvp in the given nation.
      • fire <true|false> - Enable/Disable fire spreading in the given nation.
      • mobs <true|false> - Enable/Disable mob spawning in the given nation.
      • explosions <true|false> - Enable/Disable exposions in the given nation.


  • /nw
    • info [world] - Gives you information about the given world, or the world you're in if none specified.
    • list - Gives you a list of all world names.
    • enable <world> - Enable Nations in the given world. It will set world's configuration to default configuration.
    • disable <world> - Disable Nations in the given world. Player won't be able to create nations or outpost and Nations won't check for perms and flags there.
    • perm
      • build <true|false> - Allow/Disallow players place or break blocks in the wilderness.
      • interact <true|false> - Allow/Disallow players open chests, switch doors, push buttons etc in the wilderness.
    • flag
      • pvp <true|false> - Enable/Disable pvp in the world you're in.
      • fire <true|false> - Enable/Disable fire spreading in the world you're in.
      • mobs <true|false> - Enable/Disable mob spawning in the world you're in.
      • explosions <true|false> - Enable/Disable exposions in the world you're in.