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PAN as a Single GCE Instance

This example showcases deploying a PAN device as a standalone GCE Intance with a Management network, an Untrust network, a trust network for web traffic and a trust network for DB traffic. Terraform handles creating the GCS bucket used for bootstrapping and populates the respective directories with content. In this sample the content is mapped to a static ./assets directory.


  • TF v0.12+


Name Description Default
gcp_project_id Target GCP Project ID None
gcp_credentials Path to the GCP Service Account json key file None
zone GCP Zone to deploy into ref us-central1-a
region GCP Region to deploy into ref us-central1
bootstrap_bucket Name to use for the bootstrap bucket None
bootstrap_bucket_admin Email of the GCS Bucket Admin None
bootstrap_folders These folders are required to bootstrap PAN devices, do not change ["config/", "software/", "license/", "content/"]
pan_fw_image URL to PAN Image to use or name of image if published to GCR for the project identified in gcp_project_id None
management_ip Management IP for the device interface None
untrust_ip Untrust IP for the device interface None
trust_ip_web Trust IP for the device interface for web traffic None
trust_ip_db Trust IP for the device interface for DB traffic None
pan_int_0_name Interface name for the Management interface None
pan_int_1_name Interface name for the Untrust interface None
pan_int_0_name Interface name for the Trust interface None
pan_int_0_name Interface name for the Management interface None
pan_machine_type Machine type for PAN Devices n1-standard-4
pan_cpu CPU for the PAN Device Intel Skylake
pan_scopes API Scopes for the PAN Device "cloud.useraccounts.readonly", "devstorage.read_only", "logging.write", "monitoring.write"


Given the variable nature of the PAN configurations, it is recommended to leverage a minimum acceptable config for bootstrap.xml populated into the /config bootstrap folder and apply the working policy upon completion of bootstrapping. The included boostrap.xml will apply a configuration for a 3 tier web app consisting of a Web network (trust), DB network (trust), Management network and an Untrust network. An alternate approach to a static bootstrap file would be to leverage jinja templates and populate variables accordingly.

Login configured in this bootstrap.xml file: paloalto / Pal0Alt0@123 . Do not use this for production


  1. Set up terraform.tfvars with appropriate values for your project
  2. terraform init
  3. terraform apply

The device can take a few minutes to boot and be available on the public IP assigned.

Note: it is assumed you already have a GCP project and Service Account created.

Final note: there is no authcode file included. This demo will bring the device online, but it will not pass traffic until a valid license has been applied.


No description, website, or topics provided.






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