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Releases: AriaSalvatrice/AriaModules

Dangerous development builds that may or may not destroy your computer

21 Jan 18:01
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To use my modules, install them from the official VCV Library instead. These downloads are only for alpha testers.

These builds are produced automatically on every GitHub commit on a development branch. Expect crashes. If it doesn't crash, expect half-finished test modules with missing features. Patches you create with development builds will be broken by the frequent design changes, and I will not help you repair them. Never use development versions for serious projects. Always backup your projects. Do not ask me to finish modules that are present in the code but not enabled in the distribution, I might never finish them.

If you wish to build my modules for a fork of VCV Rack, Master is the stable branch. Do not distribute builds from development branches to end users.

Ignore the date and the amount of commits since the last release displayed above: the files below are always the most recent builds.