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Django REST Framework quick-setup template for github.

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Django REST Framework Boilerplate

Template for quick-setup of DRF projects with properly refactored code.

Development Setup

Follow the following steps if you want to set this project up on your own machine.

  1. Clone the repository using: git clone <link.git>

  2. Move into the repository directory using: cd folderName

  3. Create a Python virtual environment: python -m venv env

  4. Activate the virtual environment: source env/scripts/activate

  5. Update PIP to the specified version: python -m pip install --upgrade pip==22.0.4

  6. Install PIP-Tools using: pip install pip-tools

  7. Compile the file using: pip-compile

  8. Install the dependencies: pip install -r requirements.txt

  9. Install the spacy model using: python -m spacy download en_core_web_md

  10. Copy the .env file to the directory root.

    • Create a PostgreSQL database in your machine as per the Database Settings in the .env file.

      • PostgreSQL setup instructions can be found here.
      • PGAdmin is a recommended tool for managing a PostgreSQL database and instructions for its own setup can be found here.
    • Alternatively, you can use Amazon's RDS service to create a managed instance of a PostgreSQL database.

      If using Amazon's RDS, change the following values in your .env file to reflect the values of the RDS database.

      • PGHOST: The host URL of the RDS instance.
      • PGPORT: The port on the host URL the database is accessed through.
      • PGDATABASE: The name of the database instance.
      • PGUSER: The username with which to log into the database.
      • PGPASSWORD: The password for the username above with which to log into the database.

    Alternately, you can also use a database_URI in the settings page to connect to the database.


  11. Create the necessary migrations: ./ makemigrations

  12. Migrate the database: ./ migrate

  13. Create a new SuperUser for the system using: ./ createsuperuser

    Recommended values for SuperUser:

    - username: admin
    - email:
    - password: password
  14. Start the server: ./ runserver

.env File Format

APP_NAME = "Name of the Project you want to have"

# Site Settings:
SECRET_KEY = 'some_random_32_bit__hex_key'
DEBUG = True/False
ALLOWED_HOSTS = 'host_01 host_02 host_03 etc'

# Database Settings:
PGDATABASE = 'name_of_db'
PGHOST = 'host/url_of_db'
PGPORT = 'port_of_db'
PGUSER = 'username_for_db'
PGPASSWORD = 'password_for_db'

# Internationalization Settings:
LANGUAGE_CODE = 'language_code'
TIME_ZONE = 'standard_time_location as city/continent'
USE_I18N = True/False
USE_TZ = True/False

## Email Settings:
EMAIL_USE_TLS = True/False
EMAIL_USE_SSL = True/False
EMAIL_HOST_PASSWORD = "Generated App Password"


Post the Postman Documentation here as a markdown hyperlink.


  1. Profile Name