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Repository files navigation

Julia repository exploration

Collect data

Data collector is located in collector.jl file and should be run with

julia --project=. collector.jl

Before running this script though, you should create token and store it in file pat. Alternatively you can fix collector.jl and get token from ENV or read it any other way.

As a result it creates file data/jlgh.csv (name can be changed by adjusting OUTFILE parameter in collector.jl), which contains following data about repository

  1. number: PR number
  2. state: PR state: OPEN, CLOSED, MERGED. If PR was MERGED, then it was also closed (look below)
  3. author: nickname of the PR author. Can be empty (presumably, if account was deleted from github or due to some errors in github).
  4. createdAt: timestamp when PR was created
  5. merged: boolean, whether PR was merged or not
  6. mergedAt: timestamp when PR was merged. If it was not merged, this timestamp equals to DateTime(0)
  7. mergedBy: nickname of the user, who has merged this PR. Empty if PR was not merged.
  8. closed: boolean, whether PR was closed or not. Equals false if PR is still open, true otherwise.
  9. closedAt: timestamp when PR was closed. If it was not closed, this timestamp equals to DateTime(0). If PR was merged, usually this timestamp differ by 1 second from mergedAt

Data visualization

You can read the report in plutovis.jl, which is a Pluto.jl file and should be read accordingly, or you can see plutovis.html which is the rendered version of the plutovis.jl


Here is list of reports:


No description, website, or topics provided.






No releases published


No packages published