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How we use Labels and their definitions

joshuaitguy edited this page Mar 1, 2016 · 2 revisions

Labels are the method by which we categorize things in our repository. Be they Pull requests or issues.

So without further ado here are the labels we use and what they mean to us:

  • Bug - Something in the game that isn't working like it should be or is behaving in a way that is contrary to how it is configured and is something that can be fixed by the server owners. This label is not extended to bugs in the actual game its self since there isn't any thing we can do about those.

  • Config Change Request - This label is applied to issues and external pull requests that are requesting / making changes to the way the server is currently configured.

  • Config not tracked - this label is applied only to issues and it denotes that what ever mod this issue applies to does not have it's configuration file tracked / stored in GitHub so any change will require logging in to the host machine and editing the file manually.

  • Config On Boarding - This label is applied to pull requests that adding a new configuration file to the repository.

  • Configuration changed - This label is applied to internal pull requests to master where a configuration change has taken place.

  • Duplicate - Applied to issues and external pull requests that appear to have a doppelgänger.

  • Fixed/Released During Target - The issue is targeted to be fixed during the specified wipe cycle.

  • Fixed/Released On Target - The issue is targeted to be fixed on the first day of the wipe cycle.

  • help wanted - We would like some help on this one.

  • Mod added - Used on internal and external pull requests to denote that a mod has been added to the server.

  • Mod Updated - Used on internal pull requests to denote that a mod has been updated.

  • New Mod Requested - Used on issues to denote that the person who opened the issue would like to have a mod added.

  • No Config Changes - This is used on pull requests to denote that the changes contained in this request contain no configuration changes to the server.

  • wontfix - Used for issues that we have declined to fix.

  • Rejected - Used for external pull requests were we have declined to integrate your changes in to our repository.

  • External - used for issues where the resolution to the issue should be through a 3rd part, and we are unable to facility the request or fix because it is out side our control.