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HTML content

This is a library which takes a collection of HTTP URLs and returns HTML responses of them. Internally it used System.Net.WebClient to get the HTML response of the URLs.

Install from NuGet.

dotnet add package ArnabDeveloper.HtmlContent.Core

There are five methods to get the HTML responses.

  • GetContent() get html contents synchronously
  • GetContentAsync() get html contents asynchronously
  • GetContentAsyncStream() get html contents asynchronously but start to return contents as they are ready before all are complete
  • GetContentParallelAsync() get html contents asynchronously in parallel
  • GetContentParallelForEachAsync() get html contents asynchronously in parallel using Parallel.ForEach()
  • GetContentParallelForEachProgressAsync() get html contents asynchronously in parallel using Parallel.ForEach() and start to return contents as they are ready before all are complete with progress data.

Example code to use the library:

IHtmlContentService _htmlContentService = new HtmlContentService();


IEnumerable<WebSiteDataModel> webSiteDataModels = _htmlContentService.GetContent();

foreach (WebSiteDataModel webSiteDataModel in webSiteDataModels)

This is influenced by C# Advanced Async by TimCorey