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The demo application for integrating DAV PUSH notifications on Nextcloud

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Push Demo

The demo application for integrating DAV PUSH notifications on Nextcloud.

The scope of this app is really simple, just to test how listeners work in Nextcloud. The application adds event listeners for all the DAV events, and once one is triggered, a POST request is made to a desired endpoint, which at the end should be the PUSH director.

This is a demo application, and as such, it's not intended for end-users, just for developers to get an idea on how the system is supposed to work. By any means this is a complete application, and may have bugs or security issues. Nor Bitfire or any other contributors take any responsibility of the product offered.

Log levels are higher, and there are more log messages that it should. It's just to supervise and check for any potential problem.

Important repositories

Supported Features

  • Calendar (CalDAV)
    • Create Event
    • Delete Event
    • Update Event
  • Contacts (CardDAV)
    • Create Card
    • Delete Card
    • Update Card


Important! The directory MUST be named pushdemo, use the clone command below for instructions.

To install, access the workspace/server/apps-extra directory on your server, if you are using Docker (or apps if installed directly). Check the individual requirements for your specific installation. Then, use the command below to clone the repository:

git clone pushdemo

Then, in an administrator account at Nextcloud, go to /settings/apps/disabled, and enable the "Push Demo" app: Enable app


Now access /settings/admin/pushdemo on a Nextcloud admin account, and configure your Push Endpoint and authentication argument.

See for an example push director.


It's required to have a Nextcloud development installation in order to test the application. You can follow the instructions at Nextcloud, to get your environment up and ready for development-



  • Nextcloud: 20 <= Nextcloud <= 28
  • Node: ^16.0.0
  • NPM: ^8.0.0

Note: Check in package.json just in case this isn't updated.


  • http-ext:
    # Instruction for Ubuntu-based distros, check externally for your platform
    sudo apt update -y
    sudo apt install php-pear php-raphf php-dev -y
    sudo apt instal libcurl4-openssl-dev zlib1g libevent-dev libicu-dev libidn2-0
    sudo pecl install pecl_http


To install the application, just copy the whole repository into <nextcloud installation>/workspace/server/apps-extra/<repo>.

You can modify the contents of the folder there whenever you want, so it's a valid approach to simply edit the project there.


Just as a reference, for the event listener (AddEventListener.php), calling getObjectData on the event, eg

implode(', ', $event->getObjectData())

returns data as follows:

30, 623CB73D-F0CD-482A-B649-A4F94424AB5A.ics, 1700650727, \"1e654a8af494642118ffbc43ac4791fe\", 1, 746, BEGIN:VCALENDAR\r\nPRODID:-//IDN app 4.5.3//EN\r\nCALSCALE:GREGORIAN\r\nVERSION:2.0\r\nBEGIN:VEVENT\r\nCREATED:20231122T105845Z\r\nDTSTAMP:20231122T105846Z\r\nLAST-MODIFIED:20231122T105846Z\r\nSEQUENCE:2\r\nUID:ffc256a6-0ea7-4064-9f9a-97aa0b79e200\r\nDTSTART, TZID=Europe/Madrid:20231122T120045\r\nDTEND, TZID=Europe/Madrid:20231122T130045\r\nSTATUS:CONFIRMED\r\nSUMMARY:asdfasdf\r\nEND:VEVENT\r\nBEGIN:VTIMEZONE\r\nTZID:Europe/Madrid\r\nBEGIN:DAYLIGHT\r\nTZOFFSETFROM:+0100\r\nTZOFFSETTO:+0200\r\nTZNAME:CEST\r\nDTSTART:19700329T020000\r\nRRULE:FREQ=YEARLY, BYMONTH=3, BYDAY=-1SU\r\nEND:DAYLIGHT\r\nBEGIN:STANDARD\r\nTZOFFSETFROM:+0200\r\nTZOFFSETTO:+0100\r\nTZNAME:CET\r\nDTSTART:19701025T030000\r\nRRULE:FREQ=YEARLY, BYMONTH=10, BYDAY=-1SU\r\nEND:STANDARD\r\nEND:VTIMEZONE\r\nEND:VCALENDAR, vevent, 0, 

And calling getCalendarData:



  "id": 1,
  "uri": "personal",
  "principaluri": "principals/users/test",
  "{}getctag": "",
  "{}sync-token": 29,
  "{urn:ietf:params:xml:ns:caldav}supported-calendar-component-set": {},
  "{urn:ietf:params:xml:ns:caldav}schedule-calendar-transp": {},
  "{DAV:}displayname": "Personal",
  "{urn:ietf:params:xml:ns:caldav}calendar-description": null,
  "{urn:ietf:params:xml:ns:caldav}calendar-timezone": null,
  "{}calendar-order": 0,
  "{}calendar-color": "#0082c9",
  "{}deleted-at": null,
  "{}owner-displayname": "test admin user"


The demo application for integrating DAV PUSH notifications on Nextcloud






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