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Repository files navigation

I wanted to avoid using Bootstrap and JQuery and create the front-end using pure CSS and vanilla JavaScript only. I also wanted to store all content in database, and display every page based on parameters in the database.

  • Front-end:
    • HTML
    • CSS
    • Vanilla Javascript
  • Back-end:
    • Node.js
    • Express
    • Mongoose
    • EJS

Enviroment variables:

DB_CONNECT: MongoDB connect string
EMAIL_USER: sender and recipient of the email (Google e-mail address)

Site functionality:

  • Database connection

    • All content is stored in database
    • DB_CONNECT environment variable stores the connection string to the MongoDB database server.
      • in my case, I'm using MongoDB Atlas.
    • The schema of the database, has to match the schemas defined in the models folder.
  • Mailing list signup

  • Message sending

    • User type in a contact message and send it as an email
    • The site uses Google Gmail API to send the email
      • Google API is not the easiest to use for sending emails to yourself, but I took it as a challange.
      • I used this video, to set up my google account: (Sry, not the best quality, but it works...)
      • Google Developers Console
        • The domain verification was pretty straight forward, just upload a file, to the server to prove that you own the domain.
        • The oAuth verification process, is overkill considering that I only want to send a few emails to myself.
          • It asked for a "term of service" agreement that I clearly don't have.
          • It also asked for a youtube link where I explain how my site works... Video
          • I didn't finish this process.
  • Notifications

    • The site can display notification messages to communicate with the user.
  • Switch between Light-mode and Dark-mode

    • The site has two color schemes.
    • The site automatically recognises the browser's default color scheme settings.
    • There's a button in the navbar that the user can use to switch between the two color schemes.
      • The site saves the user's last color scheme choice to the local storage, and automatically uses it during the next visit.

Program structure

  • Folders

    • views

      • EJS vievs of the pages
    • router

      • Express.js router
      • Connects the HTTP requests with the controller functions
    • controllers

      • index, introduction, projects & skills
        • are all controlled by page.js
      • page
        • uses models/page to load the content of the page from the database
        • renders the EJS view that's set in the database
      • newsletter
        • handles a POST request, and signs up the user to a mailchimp newsletter.
      • contact
        • handles a POST request, and sends an e-mail via GMAIL.
    • middleware

      • page.js:
        • I wanted to write a middleware for practising.
        • It loads variables that are used on every page.
          • contact details, social links.
    • models

      • database models:
        • pages
          • the content of every page loads from a record in the database
        • contacts
          • the contact details, that are present on every page
    • public/javascript

      • main
        • front-end functionality
          • Dark-mode toggler button
          • Small screen navbar toggler button
          • navbar color change on top of page
          • notifications
          • auto text typing
      • unfocus: