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Scala library that provides extendable API to check method preconditions.


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Scala library that provides extendable API to check method preconditions.


  • predicates and method precondition checkers for most common cases
  • fully tested (code coverage is more than 97%)
  • well-formed failure messages
  • easy customisation (single place)
  • easy extensibility (traits)
  • Scala 2.11 and 2.12


Add dependency to build.sbt:

libraryDependencies +=  "ru.ars-co" %% "scala-preconditions" % currentVersion

To use default implementation:

  1. add imports
    import ars.precondition.require.Require.Default._  // requireXXX methods
    import ars.precondition.implicits._                // implicit conversions
  2. add preconditions to your methods, for example:
    def foo(name: String, age: Int, email: Option[String], code: String, custom: MyValue) = {
      requireNotBlank(name, "name")
      requireNonNegative(age, "age")
      optional(email, "email")(requireEmail)
      requirePattern(code, "[A-Z]{4,7}".r, "code")
      require(myCustomCheck(custom), "The argument `custom` is not valid.")
        . . .

Full list of method precondition checkers

The library provides predicates and precondition checkers to test that

  • all elements of Iterable[T] meet the requirements (trait RequireAll)
    • requireAll()
    • requireAllPredicate()
  • all elements of Iterable[T] is not null or blank (trait RequireAllSpecific)
    • requireAllNotNull()
    • requireAllNotBlank() (for Iterable[String] values only)
  • Any value is not null (trait RequireAny)
    • requireNotNull
  • Iterable[T] is not null and empty (trait RequireIterable)
    • requireNotBlank()
  • numeric value is positive or negative (trait RequireNumeric)
    • requirePositive()
    • requireNegative()
    • requireNonPositive()
    • requireNonNegative()
  • numeric value in range (trait RequireNumericRange)
    • requireNumber()
    • requireNumberFrom()
    • requireNumberUntil()
    • requireNumberInRange()
  • numeric specific ranges
    • requirePort()
  • Option[T] value meets the requirements (trait RequireOptional)
    • optional()
    • optionalPredicate()
  • size of Iterable[T] in range (trait RequireSize)
    • requireSize()
    • requireSizeFrom()
    • requireSizeUntil()
    • requireSizeInRange()
  • String is not blank or satisfies the regular expression (trait RequireString)
    • requireNotBlank()
    • requirePattern()
  • String is correct UUID or email (trait RequireStringFormat)
    • requireEmail()
    • requireUuid()
    • requireUrl()
  • String contains correct numeric value (trait RequireStringNumeric)
    • requireByte()
    • requireShort()
    • requireInt()
    • requireLong()
    • requireFloat()
    • requireDouble()

Commom concepts

The library is based on concepts of Predef.require() method from Scala standard library. It reimplements similar method with enhancements.

The core trait is RequireCore. It contains 4 methods which is used to implement all other precondition checkers:

  • exception() - encapsulates exception creation
  • failureMessage() - encapsulates failure message generation
  • fail() - creates exception and throws it
  • require() - tests requirement and throws exception if it's fail

All other RequireXXX traits extend RequireCore and their requireXXX are based on these 4 methods and specific predicates.

Require class is the default implementation of all RequireXXX traits. Its companion object has default instance Require.Default. The best practice is to import all methods of Require.Default:

import ars.precondition.require.Require.Default._


Prefixes and postfixes

If you want to use custom prefixes or postfixes for all generated messages, create new instance of Require with PrefixPostfixMessage and override prefix and/or postfix methods.


val PrefixedRequire = new Require extends PrefixPostfixMessage {
  override def prefix: String = "PREFIX "
  override def postfix: String = " POSTFIX"

Custom require traits

To implement custom RequireXXX trait

  1. create new trait that extends RequireCore and implement new requireXXX methods.
  2. create instance of Require with new trait


trait RequireNew extends RequireCore {
  def requireNew(value: String, name: String = NoParameterName): Unit = {
    require(value == "new", s"Parameter `$new` is not new.")

final val MyRequire = new RequireNew

import MyRequire._

def foo(newValue: String) = {
  requireNew(newValue, "newValue")

Exception type customization

To customize exception type

  1. create new class that extends Require and override exception() method.
  2. create instance of new class


class RequireWithMyException extends Require {
  override def exception(message: String, cause: Option[RuntimeException] = None): RuntimeException = {

final val MyRequire = new RequireWithMyException

import MyRequire._


Copyright 2018-2020 Arsen Ibragimov (ars)


Scala library that provides extendable API to check method preconditions.







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