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PikaDoc CLI

PikaDoc is a CLI for generating human-readable, structured and searchable, plaintext reference documentation from your project dependencies. It allows you to search and read documentation from your terminal without touching your browser.


~: doc src:nushell use doc
~: doc
  # │                 name                  │  kind   │                              summary                               │
  0  doc all                                command  Returns the currently selected doctable without applying any       
  1  doc doc                                command  Returns a summarized table of all available symbols in the         
                                                     currently selected docfile.                                        
  2  doc save                               command  Saves doctable in the local filesystem.                            
  3  doc search                             command  Summarizes current doctable and returns all symbols matching       
  4  doc summarize                          command  Creates a readable summary of a single symbol.                     
  5  doc summarize-all                      command  Creates a readable summary of all symbols.                         
  6  doc use                                command  Sets the current doctable.                                         
  7  doc src:devdocs index                  command  Retrieves a list of available documentation files from  
                                                     and returns them as a table                                        
  8  doc src:devdocs use                    command  Downloads and parses documentation from and selects it  
                                                     as the current doctable                                            
  9  doc src:javascript parse-from-jsdoc    command  Parses json generated by jsdoc to generate a new doctable.         
 10  doc src:javascript use                 command  Uses `jsdoc` to generate a doctable from `filepath` and selects is 
                                                      the current doctable                                              
 11  doc src:man parse                      command  Parses a roff input into a doctable                                
 12  doc src:man use                        command  Parses a man page and selects it as the current doctable           
 13  doc src:nushell document-module        command  Returns doctable documenting the named module.                     
 14  doc src:nushell use                    command  Generates doctable from nushell module with `name` and selects it  
                                                     as the current doctable                                            
 15  doc src:openapi parse-from-swagger     command  Returns documentation for a REST endpoint defined in a .json/.yaml 
 16  doc src:openapi use                    command  Generates doctable from `url` to a valid Swagger .json/.ymal file  
                                                     and selects it as the current doctable                             
 17  doc src:python parse-from-sphinx-html  command  Parses a doctable from a HTML documentation page generated using   
 18  doc src:python use                     command  Parses a HTML documentation page generated using sphinx and        
                                                     selects it as the current doctable                                 
 19  doc src:sqlite parse-from-db           command  Returns documentation for all tables, columns and indexes in a     
                                                     sqlite database.                                                   
 20  doc src:sqlite use                     command  Queries a sqlite database for its tables and selects the output as 
                                                      the current doctable                                              
~: doc 1
 name                   doc doc                                                                                           
 summary                Returns a summarized table of all available symbols in the currently selected docfile.            
 parameters              # │ type  │ name  │ defaultValue │ optional │                                                   │
                         0  <any>  name                 true                                                        
                         1  <any>  index                true                                                        
 kind                   command                                                                                           
Returns a summarized table of all available symbols in the currently selected docfile.

If name is passed as an argument, results will be filtered by their name. If index is passed as an argument, only the
selected result will be returned.

When a single result is found, it'll be presented using doc present. If more than one result is found, returned symbols will
be summarized using doc summarize.


  • rapidly search and filter reference documentation straight from your terminal
  • generate reference documentation directly from your project dependencies
  • language-agnostic and easily extensible via human-readable YAML files
  • docs for 200+ languages and libraries from online sources
  • native support for jsdoc, python, sqlite, man pages and more from local sources

Quick start

Follow instructions to install the Nix package manager to your system. Then you can run pikadoc using:

nix --experimental-features "nix-command flakes" run "github:ArseAssassin/pikadoc"

Once the shell starts, you can list all available documentation sources:

# Select pikadoc as the current doctable
doc src:nushell use doc

# List all available doc sources
doc "src:"

# For more information on a specific command
doc "src:" 0

To (optionally) install PikaDoc on your system:

nix --experimental-features "nix-command flakes" profile install "github:ArseAssassin/pikadoc"

Nixless build

If you don't want to install nix, you can follow nixless install instructions.

More examples

~: # Parse man pages for command line options for xargs
~: doc src:man use xargs; doc
     # │              name               │   kind    │                               summary                               │
     0  -0, --null                       option     Input  items  are  terminated  by a null character instead of by    
                                                    whitespace, and the quotes and backslash are not special  (every    
                                                    character is taken literally)                                       
     1  -a file, --arg-file=file         option     Read items from file instead of standard input                      
     2  --delimiter=delim, -d delim      option     Input  items  are  terminated  by  the specified character          

~: # Parse swagger.json for rest endpoints
~: doc src:openapi use ""; doc
 # │             name              │     kind      │          summary           │
 0  POST /pet/{petId}/uploadImage  rest-endpoint  uploads an image           
 1  POST /pet                      rest-endpoint  Add a new pet to the store 
 2  GET /pet/findByStatus          rest-endpoint  Finds Pets by status       

~: # Query sqlite database for tables
~: doc src:sqlite use media-arc.db; doc 1
 name     files                                                                                                           
 columns   # │       name       │  type   │ defaultValue │ nullable │  pk   │                                            │
           0  path              TEXT                   false     true                                              
           1  data              json                   false     false                                             
           2  mime              TEXT                   false     false                                             
           3  date              TEXT                   false     false                                             
           4  rating            INTEGER  0             false     false                                             
           5  created_by_index  TEXT                   false     false                                             
           6  title             TEXT                   true      false                                             
           7  thumbnail         BLOB                   true      false                                             
 source   CREATE TABLE files (path text primary key not null, data json not null, mime text not null, date text not null, 
           rating integer default 0 not null, created_by_index text not null references file_indexes, title text,         
          thumbnail blob)                                                                                                 
 kind     table                                                                                                           

# Parse Python documentation
~: doc src:python use ""; doc
 # │           name            │  kind  │                                     summary                                      │
 0  Flask                      class   The flask object implements a WSGI application and acts as the central object.   
                                       It is passed the name of the module or package of the application. Once it is    
                                       created it will act as a central registry for the view functions, the URL rules, 
                                        template configuration and much more.                                           
 1  Flask.add_template_filter  method  Register a custom template filter. Works exactly like the template_filter()      
 2  Flask.add_template_global  method  Register a custom template global function. Works exactly like the               
                                       template_global() decorator.                                                     

# Parse HTML documentation from
~: doc src:devdocs use react
~: doc useState
 name     useState 

const [state, setState] = useState(initialState);

Returns a stateful value, and a function to update it.

During the initial render, the returned state (state) is the same as the value passed as the first argument (initialState).

The setState function is used to update the state. It accepts a new state value and enqueues a re-render of the component.


Why use PikaDoc over Zeal/DevDocs/Google etc.?

PikaDoc is not a replacement for existing documentation systems, but a supportive tool - it aims to do two things well: allow you to point at a symbol and answer the question "what is this" as well as provide complete listings of all available symbols in a given language/library/system. It provides a distraction-free, structured view of what you're looking for and allows you to query and filter documentation symbols any way you wish.

PikaDoc is not reliant on any single web service, cloud platform, etc. It's designed to be rapidly extensible by running inside a shell environment. You can pipe in data from any source, making it essentially language-agnostic - you can generate PikaDoc definitions using any language you like.

PikaDoc files are human-readable and self-contained, which makes them an easy way to add supportive documentation into your git repository. They're easy to generate and cache locally, making them accessible 24/7 - even when you're on the go.

Can I use PikaDoc without Nix?

Yes, by manually installing its dependencies. At the time of writing this, this consists of mdcat, pandoc, nushell and groff, as well as the nushell query plugin. You can then clone this repo and call use ./doc/ to use pikadoc functions.

I fully recommend trying out Nix though, for it is fantastic.

Why does PikaDoc use nushell for its repl?

To generate docs on the fly, we need to access a wide variety of different data sources, such as local files, web services, databases, etc. As a shell environment, nushell makes it trivial to get data from sources that are specific to the end user's system. As a structured, functional language it also makes querying, filtering and modifying data easy to the point where it's entirely viable to generate simple doctables straight from the CLI.

If you haven't given nushell a try before, I suggest you do for it is dope.


This project is made available under the MIT license. See the LICENSE file for more information.


Generate human-readable, structured and searchable, plaintext documentation from source code







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