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Seq App For Azure DevOps Bug Reporting

A Seq App that reports bugs to Azure DevOps and keeps track of issue incidence frequency.

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Seq 2023.4 or later.


Go to your Seq instance, then settings, then apps, then add a new app and type "Seq.App.Bug.Reporter.AzureDevOps" in the search box. Then click install.


On your app screen, click "Add Instance".

There are some required and optional fields.

Required Fields

You are required to fill these fields, otherwise the app will not work.


The name of your Azure DevOps organization, this is a required field.


The name of your Azure DevOps project, this is a required field.

Personal Access Token

A personal access token with access to the project (please make sure that the Read/Write accesses to work items are attributed to the PAT), this is a required field. (DO NOT SET A FULL ACCESS TOKEN HERE, IT's NOT RECOMMENDED FOR SECURITY REASONS).

Description Mapping Field

If you're using CMMI use Microsoft.VSTS.CMMI.Symptom. If you're using Scrum you should use Microsoft.VSTS.TCM.ReproSteps.

Optional Fields

You're not required to fill these.


Comma separated list of bug tags to apply to the created bug in Azure DevOps.

Area Path

Area Path of the Azure DevOps bug.


Iteration of the Azure DevOps bug.

Assigned To

Who the work item should be assigned to. If left blank it will default to unassigned.

Seq Event Id

Seq Event Id custom Azure DevOps field.

Seq Event Url

Azure DevOps custom field to store Seq Event Url.

Seq Event Incidence Count

Azure DevOps custom field to store the number of times this bug occurred and been logged in Seq.

Unique Incident Id

Azure DevOps custom field to store a unique incident id to prevent the creation of multiple bugs for the same incident, the unique id is a SHA-256 hash of the bug title.

Bug Title Format

Provides the title format of the bug. List of parameters that can be used are ({{EventLogLevel}}, {{EventMessage}}, {{EventId}}, {{EventTimestamp}}), you can also use Seq event properties). If left empty, the bug title will be '[SEQ Bug Reporter/{{EventLogLevel}}] - {{EventMessage}}'.

[SEQ Bug Reporter/{EventLogLevel}] - {EventMessage}

Bug Description Format

Provides the description format of the bug. List of parameters that can be used are ({{EventLogLevel}}, {{EventMessage}}, {{EventUrl}}, {{EventId}}, {{EventTimestamp}}, {{EventException}}, {{EventProperties}}), you can also use Seq event properties).

<strong>Event Id:</strong> {EventId}<br/>
<strong>Level:</strong> {EventLogLevel}<br/>
<strong>Timestamp:</strong> {EventTimestamp}<br/>
<strong>Event Url:</strong> <a href="{EventUrl}" target="_blank">Seq event details</a><br/>
{EventProperties}<br />
<strong>Message:</strong> {EventMessage}<br/>
{EventException}<br />

Parent Work Item Id

Link to the parent related work item, if left blank the created bug will be un-parented.

Azure DevOps Props Mappings

Maps Azure DevOps properties to constant values. Format: AzureDevOpsProperty:ConstValue, Separated by Commas. Example: Priority:2,Triage:Level 1

Azure DevOps Severity Mappings

Maps Seq Log level to Azure DevOps bug severity. Format: LogLevel:AzureDevOpsSeverity, Separated by Commas. Example: Error:2 - High,Fatal:1 - Critical

Default Bug State

The Azure DevOps bug state. Example: New.

Host Url Override

The Seq Host Url override. Example:



The Datalust team for the Seq App template @datalust

The project was inspired by @Seq.App.Azure.DevOps which was authored by Matt Olson @xantari and Christopher Baker @delubear.


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