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Releases: Arsylk/destiny-child-tools-kr-apk


21 Sep 21:30
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v2.0.0-indev9 Pre-release

Famous last words being nyahaha ...

Does not have a lot of features from previous mammon

  • wallpapers
  • widgets
  • locale editor

But the features it has are a lot fancier, and should work fine for android 11, it's called indev for a reason tho

Some things now work on Android 11

14 Feb 07:28
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  • Copy locale.pck manually from /sdcard/Android/data/com.NextFloor.DestinyChild/files/locale.pck to any accessible directory
  • Change the path in apk settings to wherever you copied the locale.pck (it will go green if its correct)
  • Patch as you would usually
  • Copy it back manually to /sdcard/Android/data/com.NextFloor.DestinyChild/files/locale.pck

Title Screen Editor yay

07 Feb 09:29
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  • I think Title Screen editor works (?)
  • Fixed unpacking pck's with 0-size files inside
  • Added Android 11 warning dialog

Fixes and WIP Title Screen Editor

08 Nov 12:56
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  • Tinkered around DCSwapper, to account for possibility of swapping a model that was already generated with DCSwapper, this is generally ill advised but now should work
  • Early version of Title Screen editor, right now it only reads values, no write option

File Picker

20 Jul 14:00
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  • Finally stopped using android intent's to pick file 👀
  • quick update
  • Fixed hopefully issue with patch restore

Simplified encryption picking

24 Jun 10:25
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Removed encryption picking dialog, now attempts global if korean fail…

…s. Thanks to @PhasmaExMachina for suggesting it~

Minor fixes

12 Jun 23:12
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  • Changes to locale restore feature, should now parse date from filenames
  • Additional changes to New Wiki tab

Magic of datamining

23 Apr 12:02
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Added Restore option to both english and russian patch. Will return your locale to the newest non-modified backup.
Added new tab called New Wiki, where you have all the children with:

  • base stats
  • skills auto translated
  • ignited skill versions (tap on skill)
  • buffs & debuffs on each skill
    Can be searched by basically anything you want.

I kinda forgot

03 Mar 23:36
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Since prev release here seems to be v1.3 i have no idea what exactly got changed, but i know that at least one critical fix to model swapper, new announcements in MainActivity and ghetto fixed https on older androids

So be sure to update and ill try to remember to update releases here as well...

Announcements broke, update or you will have empty starting screen

09 Jan 15:56
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Not only switched the announcements list to the new one, but added ability to save your resources mapping, so if you switch package to global and press save it will just use it by default