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Releases: Artanemus/SCM_UpdateDataBase-R


27 Apr 00:19
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Changes made to this version

  • Tables, DisqualifyCode and DisqualifyType, were missing their table permissions.
  • The update script for the SCMSystem table had an erroneous 'patch' field that should have read 'build' (versions thru
  • Fixed FireDAC connection string for MSSQL Server 2022. Microsoft changed SQL Server security settings!

Available 'updates' in this release...

  • v1.0.0.0 to v1.1.5.0 Updates the original closed version to GitHub release version.
  • v1.1.0.0 to v1.1.5.0
  • v1.1.5.0 to v1.1.5.1 Improved scalar functions. Table permissions updated.
  • v1.1.5.1 to v1.1.5.2 FINA disqualification codes, club logo and schedule events.
  • v1.1.5.2 to v1.1.5.3 Team events (relays).

SCM UpdateDataBase_64bit_v1.6.0.2.exe

21 Mar 01:15
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SCM UpdateDataBase_64bit_v1.6.0.2.exe 2024/03/24

Select the update you wish to apply to the MSSQL SwimClubMeet Database.

Available in this release...

  • v1.0.0.0 to v1.1.5.0 Updates the original closed version to GitHub release version.
  • v1.1.0.0 to v1.1.5.0
  • v1.1.5.0 to v1.1.5.1 Improved scalar functions. Table permissions updated.
  • v1.1.5.1 to v1.1.5.2 New tables for FINA disqualification codes. New fields for club logo and schedule events.
  • v1.1.5.2 to v1.1.5.3 Team events. (RELEASE)

SCM UpdateDataBase_64bit_v1.6.0.1.exe

10 Mar 00:52
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SCM UpdateDataBase_64bit_v1.6.0.1.exe 2024/03/24

Universal update. This version allows you to pick the update you wish to apply on the MSSQL SwimClubMeet Database.

Available in this release...

  • v1.0.0.0 to v1.1.5.0 Updates the original closed version to GitHub release version.
  • v1.1.5.0 to v1.1.5.1 Improved scalar functions. Table permissions updated.
  • v1.1.5.1 to v1.1.5.2 New tables for FINA disqualification codes. New fields for club logo and schedule events.
  • v1.1.5.2 to v1.1.5.3 Pre-release Team events. WARNING: UNTESTED.

SCM UpdateDataBase_64bit_v1.5.1.0.exe

19 Feb 02:42
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SCM UpdateDataBase_64bit_v1.5.1.0.exe 2023/02/23

For users running database SCMSystem values: (1,1,5,0).

It takes your (1,1,5,0) database and turns it into (1,1,5,1)

Any of these core applications can run on this database.

  • SCM_SwimClubMeet_32bit_v1.5.5.0
  • SCM_SwimClubMeet_32bit_v1.5.4.0
  • SCM_SwimClubMeet_32bit_v1.5.3.0
  • SCM_SwimClubMeet_x32_v1.5.2.0
  • SCM_SwimClubMeet_x32_v1.5.1.0

Notes on this update.

  • Fixes scalar function. dbo.IsMemberNominated.UserDefinedFunction.sql.
  • New field: SwimClubMeet.dbo.Member.IsSwimmer (BIT).
  • Sets DEFAULT on fields IsArchived, IsActive and IsSwimmer in SwimClubMeet.dbo.Member.
  • Re-index (changed field orders) in table dbo.Member.
  • Repairs default values for fields IsArchived and IsActive on existing records in SwimClubMeet.dbo.Member. (If they read NULL.)
  • Updates SCMSystem values to: (1,1,5,1).

Special note:

After the update a temporary table with the name Member_ followed by a large hash number will appear in the database. After testing, you may remove this table. It's also safe to leave it.


09 Sep 04:23
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SCM UpdateDataBase_x64_v1.1.0.0.exe 09/09/2022

Who should use this update?

For use ONLY by early adopters of the SCM project.

If you created your database by using SCM_BuildMeAClub_x64_v1.1.0.0 then you DON'T need this update! 😃.

Notes on this update.

  • Takes a very old version and bring it up to date.
  • It requires delivery of SQL scripts from the developer!
  • Updates [SwimClubMeet].[dbo].[SCMSystem] values to: (1,1,5,0)