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Artur edited this page May 14, 2024 · 3 revisions

What is OrgNote?

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OrgNote - is a knowledge base based on Org-roam, a package for working with GNU Emacs. The current version of the program is a prototype, it contains some bugs and is not stable enough. Please be sympathetic :)


The main idea of the project is to provide full-fledged integration for OrgRoam for desktop, mobile apps and web interface (+pwa).

  • The project should be free for everyone (except for some premium features that require hardware resources).
  • This is an open-source project, so anyone can contribute to it and see how it works internally.
  • The project should be community-oriented, so if you have ideas, please share them with me. You are also my patron, you can vote to prioritize certain features.
  • The project should be free (including premium features) for open-source developers. It’s hard to share with everyone, but I’ll try :)
  • It does not collect personal data and has no trackers.


  • There is currently no support for CRDT. This means that if you use synchronization via orgnote-cli you may lose some data. (it should automatically back up if you use it inside emacs with orgnote.el Make sure you back up your data!
  • There are no migrations in the project! I’m focusing on implementing the core functionality of the core. This means that if you make changes to the program, you may lose your data. Definitely back up your data!
  • I made AST from scratch and not all org-mode primitives are supported now, also the parser might lack some rules. Please, if you encounter such bugs, let me know via GitHub issue.
  • The design is not in its final state… I’m not a designer, so I’d be glad if someone could help me with this 😊.
  • The version for ios devices is not published. I will publish it when we raise enough money for patreon (~$120/year) /You can freely use the PWA version for your apple devices right now.