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274 lines (205 loc) · 10.5 KB
The righteous and rigorous Dandelion Knight, and Acting Grand Master of the Knights of Favonius of Mondstadt.




Base Stats

Lv Base HP Base ATK Base DEF Healing Bonus%
60 9533 155 499 11.10%
60+ 10230 166 535 11.10%
70 11243 183 588 11.10%
70+ 11940 194 624 16.60%
80 12965 211 678 16.60%
80+ 13662 222 715 22.20%
90 14695 239 769 22.20%


{% tabs %} {% tab title="Favonius Bladework" %} Normal Attacks
Jean performs up to 5 consecutive attacks.

String Talent 9% Frames MV/s Poise Damage Impulse Type
1-Hit 88.80% 14 380.57%/s 37.8 3
2-Hit 83.74% 37 279.79%/s 35.1 3
3-Hit 110.76% 66 257.55%/s 48.6 3
4-Hit 121.03% 124 195.64%/s 54 3
5-Hit 145.52% 159 207.49%/s 60.3 6

Charged Attack
Consumes 20 stamina to strike upwards and knocks up enemies that will then fall down slowly.

String Talent 9% Frames MV/s Poise Damage Impulse Type
CA 297.67% 73 244.66%/s 200 Air, 0, 1050
  • The Charged Attack visual and audio effect will appear on more than just enemies, as well as even appearing on enemies that don't get lifted at all.


Damage Type Talent 9% Poise Damage Impulse Type
Plunge DMG 117.46% 25 2
Low Plunge DMG 234.86% 100 4
High Plunge DMG 293.36% 150 7
{% endtab %}

{% tab title="Gale Blade" %} Press
Focusing the might of the formless wind around her blade, Jean releases a miniature storm, launching opponents in the direction she aims at, dealing massive Anemo DMG.

At the cost of continued stamina consumption, Jean can command the whirlwind to pull surrounding opponents and objects towards her front.
Direction can be adjusted.
Character is immobile during skill duration.

Attribute Skill
Skill DMG (T9%) 496.40%
Particles 2~3 (1:2)
Frames 46
ICD None
Snapshot Dynamic
Damage Element Anemo
Damage Type Skill
Max Duration 5s
CD 6s
Poise Damage 250
Impulse Type 9


  • Costs 20 stamina per second to hold.
  • Enemies launched by Gale Blade can incur fall damage against the ground or walls.
    • Fall damage is based on a percentage of enemy health making it very useful against enemies with high health and low interruption resistance.
  • While Jean cannot move you can move the camera to change where you are aiming with the blade.
  • To be able to lift an enemy, Jean's level must be no more than 20 levels below the enemy's level.
  • Fall damage for the hold variant can vary somewhat arbitrarily, as enemies held in Gale Blade will not be held completely still.
  • If Gale Blade (E) is held while looking down on falling enemies, they can take fall damage before being launched up again for a second instance of fall damage.

{% endtab %}

{% tab title="Dandelion Breeze" %} Calling upon the wind's protection, Jean creates a swirling Dandelion Field, launching surrounding opponents and dealing Anemo DMG.
At the same time, she instantly regenerates a large amount of HP for all party members. The amount of HP restored scales off Jean's ATK.

Dandelion Field

  • Continuously regenerates HP of characters within the AoE and continuously imbues them with Anemo.
  • Deals Anemo DMG to opponents entering or exiting the Dandelion Field.
Attribute Burst
Burst DMG (T9%) 722.16%
Field Enter/Exit DMG (T9%) 133.28%
Burst Healing (T9%) 427.04% ATK + 3132
Continuous Healing (T9%) 42.7% ATK + 313
Cast Frames 88
Energy Frame 46
CD Frame 40
ICD None
Snapshot Snapshots
Damage Element Anemo
Damage Type Burst
Energy Cost 80
Duration 10s
CD 20s
Burst Poise Damage 400
Burst Impulse Type 4
Field Enter/Exit Poise Damage 50
Field Enter/Exit Impulse Type 2


  • Cast also knocks away light enemies.
  • The Dandelion Field deals Anemo damage to enemies crossing the border of the field.
  • Dandelion Breeze deals Field Enter/Exit DMG to enemies within its AOE on initial cast and when the duration of the Dandelion Field ends.
  • Heals and applies Anemo continuously to the active character inside the field cleansing debuffs.
    • The continuous swirling of auras allows elements to spread to surrounding opponents when self-afflicted with an element.
    • With precise timing, Anemo can be the aura for self-swirls occasionally.
    • This self-swirl interaction does not count as a reaction for Freedom-Sworn Passive stacks and 4pc Instructor set effect.
    • In Sunfire (when Jean's Burst and Bennett's Burst overlap), if Jean triggers Overload the Freedom-Sworn Passive will be activated.
    • In Sunfire, Bennett can trigger the 4pc VV effect set himself if he's the triggerer of Sunfire self-swirl. {% endtab %} {% endtabs %}

Ascension Passives

{% tabs %} {% tab title="Passive" %}

Guiding Breeze

When a Perfect Cooking is achieved on a dish with restorative effects, there is a 12% chance to obtain double the product. {% endtab %}

{% tab title="Ascension 1" %}

Wind Companion

On hit, Jean's Normal Attacks have a 50% chance to regenerate HP equal to 15% of Jean's ATK for all party members. {% endtab %}

{% tab title="Ascension 4" %}

Let the Wind Lead

Using Dandelion Breeze will regenerate 20% of its Energy. {% endtab %} {% endtabs %}


{% tabs %} {% tab title="C1" %}

Spiraling Tempest

Increases the pulling speed of Gale Blade after holding for more than 1s, and increases the DMG dealt by 40%.

{% endtab %}

{% tab title="C2" %}

People's Aegis

When Jean picks up an Elemental Orb/Particle, all party members have their Movement SPD and ATK SPD increased by 15% for 15s.

  • This buff does not stack with itself. {% endtab %}

{% tab title="C3" %}

When the West Wind Arises

Increases the Level of Dandelion Breeze by 3. Maximum upgrade level is 15.

{% endtab %}

{% tab title="C4" %}

Lands of Dandelion

Within the Field created by Dandelion Breeze, all opponents have their Anemo RES decreased by 40%.

{% endtab %}

{% tab title="C5" %}

Outbursting Gust

Increases the Level of Gale Blade by 3. Maximum upgrade level is 15.

{% endtab %}

{% tab title="C6" %}

Lion's Fang, Fair Protector of Mondstadt

Incoming DMG is decreased by 35% within the Field created by Dandelion Breeze. Upon leaving the Dandelion Field, this effect lasts for 3 attacks or 10s.

{% endtab %} {% endtabs %}

Full Talent Values

{% tabs %} {% tab title="Favonius Bladework" %}

Normal Attacks

Lv1 Lv2 Lv3 Lv4 Lv5 Lv6 Lv7 Lv8 Lv9 Lv10 Lv11
1-Hit DMG 48.33% 52.27% 56.20% 61.82% 65.75% 70.25% 76.43% 82.61% 88.80% 95.54% 103.27%
2-Hit DMG 45.58% 49.29% 53.00% 58.30% 62.01% 66.25% 72.08% 77.91% 83.74% 90.10% 97.39%
3-Hit DMG 60.29% 65.19% 70.10% 77.11% 82.02% 87.63% 95.34% 103.05% 110.76% 119.17% 128.81%
4-Hit DMG 65.88% 71.24% 76.60% 84.26% 89.62% 95.75% 104.18% 112.60% 121.03% 130.22% 140.75%
5-Hit DMG 79.21% 85.65% 92.10% 101.31% 107.76% 115.13% 125.26% 135.39% 145.52% 156.57% 169.23%

Charged Attack

Lv1 Lv2 Lv3 Lv4 Lv5 Lv6 Lv7 Lv8 Lv9 Lv10 Lv11
Charged Attack DMG 162.02% 175.21% 188.40% 207.24% 220.43% 235.50% 256.22% 276.95% 297.67% 320.28% 346.18%

Stamina Cost: 20


Lv1 Lv2 Lv3 Lv4 Lv5 Lv6 Lv7 Lv8 Lv9 Lv10 Lv11
Plunge DMG 63.93% 69.14% 74.34% 81.77% 86.98% 92.93% 101.10% 109.28% 117.46% 126.38% 135.30%
Low Plunge DMG 127.84% 138.24% 148.65% 163.51% 173.92% 185.81% 202.16% 218.51% 234.86% 252.70% 270.54%
High Plunge DMG 159.68% 172.67% 185.67% 204.24% 217.23% 232.09% 252.51% 272.93% 293.36% 315.64% 337.92%

{% endtab %}

{% tab title="Gale Blade" %}

Lv1 Lv2 Lv3 Lv4 Lv5 Lv6 Lv7 Lv8 Lv9 Lv10 Lv11 Lv12 Lv13
Skill DMG 292.00% 313.90% 335.80% 365.00% 386.90% 408.80% 438.00% 467.20% 496.40% 525.60% 554.80% 584.00% 620.50%

Stamina Consumption per Second: 20
Maximum Duration: 5s
Cooldown: 6s

{% endtab %}

{% tab title="Dandelion Breeze" %}

Lv1 Lv2 Lv3 Lv4 Lv5 Lv6 Lv7 Lv8 Lv9 Lv10 Lv11 Lv12 Lv13
Elemental Burst DMG 424.80% 456.66% 488.52% 531.00% 562.86% 594.72% 637.20% 679.68% 722.16% 764.64% 807.12% 849.60% 902.70%
Field Entering/Exiting DMG 78.40% 84.28% 90.16% 98.00% 103.88% 109.76% 117.60% 125.44% 133.28% 141.12% 148.96% 156.80% 166.60%
Field Activation Healing Scaling 251.20% 270.04% 288.88% 314.00% 332.84% 351.68% 376.80% 401.92% 427.04% 452.16% 477.28% 502.40% 533.80%
Field Activation Healing Additive 1540 1694 1861 2041 2234 2439 2657 2888 3132 3389 3659 3941 4236
Continuous Regeneration Scaling 25.12% AT 27.00% 28.89% 31.40% 33.28% 35.17% 37.68% 40.19% 42.70% 45.22% 47.73% 50.24% 53.38%
Continuous Regeneration Additive 154 169 186 204 223 244 266 289 313 339 366 394 424

Energy Cost: 80
Duration: 10s
Cooldown: 20s

{% endtab %} {% endtabs %}

Evidence Vault

{% page-ref page="../../evidence/characters/anemo/" %}