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Use hooks with Mithril.


Use hook functions from the React Hooks API in Mithril:

  • useState
  • useEffect
  • useLayoutEffect
  • useReducer
  • useRef
  • useMemo
  • useCallback
  • and custom hooks

Online demos


npm install mithril-hooks
import { withHooks, useState /* and other hooks */ } from "mithril-hooks";


// Toggle.ts

import m from 'mithril';
import { withHooks, useState } from 'mithril-hooks';

type ToggleProps = {
  isOn?: boolean;

const Toggle = withHooks(({ isOn }: ToggleProps) => {
  const [isOn, setIsOn] = useState<boolean>(isOn);

  return m('.toggle', [
        onclick: () => setIsOn(current => !current),
    m('div', isOn ? 'On' : 'Off'),

Use the counter:

import { Toggle } from "./Toggle"

m(Toggle, { isOn: true })

Hooks and application logic

Hooks can be defined outside of the component, imported from other files. This makes it possible to define utility functions to be shared across the application.

Custom hooks shows how to define and incorporate these hooks.

Rendering rules

With useState

Mithril's redraw is called when the state is initially set, and every time a state changes value.

With other hooks

Hook functions are always called at the first render.

For subsequent renders, a dependency list can be passed as second parameter to instruct when it should rerun:

  () => {
    document.title = `You clicked ${count} times`
  [count] // Only re-run the effect if count changes

For the dependency list, mithril-hooks follows the React Hooks API:

  • Without a second argument: will run every render (Mithril lifecycle function view).
  • With an empty array: will only run at mount (Mithril lifecycle function oncreate).
  • With an array with variables: will only run whenever one of the variables has changed value (Mithril lifecycle function onupdate).

Note that effect hooks do not cause a re-render themselves.

Cleaning up

If useEffect returns a function, that function is called at unmount (Mithril lifecycle function onremove).

  () => {
    const subscription = subscribe()

    // Cleanup function:
    return () => {

At cleanup Mithril's redraw is called.



Higher order function that returns a component that works with hook functions.

type TAttrs = {};

const MyComponent = withHooks((attrs?: TAttrs) => {
  // Use hooks ...
  // Return a view:
  return m('div', 'My view')

The longhand version:

type TAttrs = {};

const RenderFn = (attrs?: TAttrs) => {
  // Use hooks ...
  // Return a view:
  return m('div', 'My view')

export const HookedComponent = withHooks<TAttrs>(RenderFn);

The returned HookedComponent can be called as any Mithril component:

m(HookedComponent, {
  // ... attrs


Argument Type Required Description
renderFunction Function Yes Function with view logic
attrs Object No Attributes to pass to renderFunction


const withHooks: <T>(
  renderFunction: (attrs: T) => Vnode<T, {}> | Children,
  initialAttrs?: T
) => Component<T, {}>;

withHooks also receives vnode and children, where vnode includes the hook state. Extended signature:

const withHooks: <T>(
  renderFunction: (
    attrs: T & { vnode: Vnode<T, MithrilHooks.State>; children: Children },
  ) => Vnode<T, MithrilHooks.State> | Children,
  initialAttrs?: T,
) => Component<T, MithrilHooks.State>;

Default hooks

The React Hooks documentation provides excellent usage examples for default hooks. Let us suffice here with shorter descriptions.


Provides the state value and a setter function:

const [count, setCount] = useState(0)

The setter function itself can pass a function - useful when values might otherwise be cached:

setCount(current => current + 1)

A setter function can be called from another hook:

const [inited, setInited] = useState(false)

  () => {
  [/* empty array: only run at mount */]


const useState: <T>(initialValue?: T) => [
  (value: T | ((currentValue: T, index: number) => T)) => void


Lets you perform side effects:

  () => {
    const className = "dark-mode"
    const element = window.document.body
    if (darkModeEnabled) {
    } else {
  [darkModeEnabled] // Only re-run when value has changed


const useEffect: (
  fn: () => unknown | (() => unknown),
  deps?: unknown[],
) => void;


Similar to useEffect, but fires synchronously after all DOM mutations. Use this when calculations must be done on DOM objects.

  () => {


const useLayoutEffect: (
  fn: () => unknown | (() => unknown),
  deps?: unknown[],
) => void;


From the React docs:

An alternative to useState. Accepts a reducer of type (state, action) => newState, and returns the current state paired with a dispatch method. (If you’re familiar with Redux, you already know how this works.)

useReducer is usually preferable to useState when you have complex state logic that involves multiple sub-values or when the next state depends on the previous one.


import { withHooks, useReducer } from "mithril-hooks";

type TState = {
  count: number;

type TAction = {
  type: string;

const counterReducer = (state: TState, action: TAction) => {
  switch (action.type) {
    case 'increment':
      return { count: state.count + 1 };
    case 'decrement':
      return { count: state.count - 1 };
      throw new Error(`Unhandled action: ${action}`);

type CounterAttrs = {
  initialCount: number;

const CounterFn = (attrs: CounterAttrs) => {
  const { initialCount } = attrs;
  const initialState = { count: initialCount }
  const [countState, dispatch] = useReducer<TState, TAction>(counterReducer, initialState)
  const count = countState.count

  return [
    m("div", count),
    m("button", {
      disabled: count === 0,
      onclick: () => dispatch({ type: "decrement" })
    }, "Less"),
    m("button", {
      onclick: () => dispatch({ type: "increment" })
    }, "More")

const Counter = withHooks(CounterFn);

m(Counter, { initialCount: 0 })


const useReducer: <T, A = void>(
  reducer: Reducer<T, A>,
  initialValue?: T | U,
  initFn?: (args: U) => T,
) => [T, (action: A) => void];

type Reducer<T, A> = (state: T, action: A) => T;


The "ref" object is a generic container whose current property is mutable and can hold any value.

const domRef = useRef<HTMLDivElement>(null)

return [
      oncreate: vnode => dom.current = vnode.dom as HTMLDivElement

To keep track of a value:

import { withHooks, useState, useEffect, useRef } from "mithril-hooks";

const Timer = withHooks(() => {
  const [ticks, setTicks] = useState(0)
  const intervalRef = useRef<number>()
  const handleCancelClick = () => {
    intervalRef.current = undefined

    () => {
      const intervalId = setInterval(() => {
        setTicks(ticks => ticks + 1)
      }, 1000)
      intervalRef.current = intervalId
      // Cleanup:
      return () => {
    [/* empty array: only run at mount */]

  return [
    m("span", `Ticks: ${ticks}`),
        disabled: intervalRef.current === undefined,
        onclick: handleCancelClick


const useRef: <T>(initialValue?: T) => { current: T };


Returns a memoized value.

import { withHooks, useMemo } from "mithril-hooks";

const computeExpensiveValue = (count: number): number => {
  // some computationally expensive function
  return count + Math.random();

const Counter = withHooks(({ count, useMemo }) => {
  const memoizedValue = useMemo(
    () => {
      return computeExpensiveValue(count)
    [count] // only recalculate when count is updated
  // Render ...


const useMemo: <T>(
  fn: MemoFn<T>,
  deps?: unknown[],
) => T;

type MemoFn<T> = () => T;


Returns a memoized callback.

The function reference is unchanged in next renders (which makes a difference in performance expecially in React), but its return value will not be memoized.

const someCallback = (): number => {
  return Math.random();

type TCallback = () => void;
let previousCallback: TCallback;

const Callback = withHooks(() => {
  const [someValue, setSomeValue] = useState(0);

  const memoizedCallback = useCallback(() => {
    return someCallback();
  }, [someValue]);

  // Render ...


const const useCallback: <T>(
  fn: MemoFn<T>,
  deps?: unknown[],
) => MemoFn<T>;

type MemoFn<T> = () => T;

Omitted hooks

These React hooks make little sense with Mithril and are not included:

  • useContext
  • useImperativeHandle
  • useDebugValue

Custom hooks

// useCount.ts
import { useState } from "mithril-hooks";

export const useCount = (initialValue = 0) => {
  const [count, setCount] = useState(initialValue)
  return [
    count,                      // value
    () => setCount(count + 1),  // increment
    () => setCount(count - 1)   // decrement

Then use the custom hook:

// app.ts
import { withHooks } from "mithril-hooks";
import { useCount } from "./useCount";

type CounterAttrs = {
  initialCount: number;

const Counter = withHooks(({ initialCount }: CounterAttrs) => {
  const [count, increment, decrement] = useCount(initialCount)
  return m("div", [
      `Count: ${count}`
        disabled: count === 0,
        onclick: () => decrement()
        onclick: () => increment()

m(Counter, { initialCount: 0 });


Child elements can be accessed through the variable children. See mithril-hooks - Child elements.

type CounterAttrs = {
  initialCount: number;
  children?: Children;

const Counter = withHooks(({ initialCount, children }: CounterAttrs) => {
  const [count, setCount] = useState(initialCount);
  return [
    m("div", `Count: ${count}`),
        disabled: count === 0,
        onclick: () => setCount((c) => c - 1)
        onclick: () => setCount((c) => c + 1)

const App = {
  view: () =>
    m(Counter, { initialCount: 1 }, [m("div", "This is a child element")])


TypeError: Cannot read property 'depsIndex' of undefined

Possibly several instances of mithril-hooks are referenced. Prevent this by pointing the transpiler to a single instance.

When using Webpack, add to the config:

resolve: {
  // Make sure that libs are included only once
  alias: {
    'mithril-hooks': path.resolve(baseDir, 'node_modules/mithril-hooks'),


Tested with Mithril 1.1.6 and Mithril 2.x.


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│   Bundle Name:  mithril-hooks.module.js   │
│   Bundle Size:  5.96 KB                   │
│   Minified Size:  2.75 KB                 │
│   Gzipped Size:  1.19 KB                  │
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│   Bundle Name:  mithril-hooks.umd.js   │
│   Bundle Size:  6.95 KB                │
│   Minified Size:  2.57 KB              │
│   Gzipped Size:  1.24 KB               │
│                                        │

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│   Bundle Name:  mithril-hooks.cjs   │
│   Bundle Size:  6.18 KB             │
│   Minified Size:  2.96 KB           │
│   Gzipped Size:  1.26 KB            │
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