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This portfolio site was created to test my HTML/CSS skills and as part of my assignment. I received a mark of 47/50 for this assignment.

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Arthur Truong

Design Process

Portfolio Contents

Before starting out, I included all the items i wanted to be part of my portfolio website. I made a wireframe to show what I planned for my home page.

The listed items I included

  • Home page
  • Education history
  • Employment history
  • Skills as a developer
  • About Me
  • Future projects
  • Contact forms


Layout Design

The layout design was challenging as I had limited experience in designing a website by myself. I browsed and looked to other developers portfolios for inspiration and came across freecodecamp top 15 portfolio sites.

I decided on a layout in my head. I moved onto selecting a theme for my portfolio site. I stumbled across a site -

I chose orange, black, blue and white. There were hundreds of websites i stumbled across before I made the decision of my colour scheme. But I wanted something that would stand out.

I went on - to get a logo design. I paid $20 for the overall design process


For free images, I used for providing free images. I used for my background.

I used and for my icons

CSS, JavaScript and Jquery

I used magnific popup to give a zoom in effect for my projects

AOS animate was used to acheive the fade and delay effects

This JavaScript helped acheive the swap quote effect for the home

  function loop($swap) {
      var next = $swap.find("li.visible").removeClass("visible").index() + 1;

      if (next >= $swap.find("li").length) {
        next = 0;

        "transform": "translateY(-" + next * 3 + "rem)"

      setTimeout(function() {
      }, 2000);

    $(function() {
      $("#swap").each(function() {
        var $this = $(this);

        $this.find("li").each(function() {
            top: $(this).index() * 3 + "rem"


This javascript helped with smooth scrolling by identifying the anchor element

var scroll = new SmoothScroll('a[href*="#"]', {
      // Selectors
      ignore: '[data-scroll-ignore]', // Selector for links to ignore (must be a valid CSS selector)
      header: null, // Selector for fixed headers (must be a valid CSS selector)

      // Speed & Easing
      speed: 2000, // Integer. How fast to complete the scroll in milliseconds
      offset: 95, // Integer or Function returning an integer. How far to offset the scrolling anchor location in pixels
      easing: 'easeInOutCubic', // Easing pattern to use
      customEasing: function(time) {

        // Function. Custom easing pattern
        // If this is set to anything other than null, will override the easing option above

        // return <your formulate with time as a multiplier>

        // Example: easeInOut Quad
        return time < 0.5 ? 2 * time * time : -1 + (4 - 2 * time) * time;


      // Callback API
      before: function(anchor, toggle) {}, // Callback to run before scroll
      after: function(anchor, toggle) {} // Callback to run after scroll

Bootstrap 4

Bootstrap 4 was used throughout the website. I used bootstrap grid system, buttons, navigation bar.

Slack Overflow Debugging

I used the code below for debugging purposes

* {
  background: #000 !important;
  color: #0f0 !important;
  outline: solid #f00 1px !important;


This portfolio site was created to test my HTML/CSS skills and as part of my assignment. I received a mark of 47/50 for this assignment.






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