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Folders and files

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Repository files navigation

Online supermarket

Run the project

yarn install - install dependencies
yarn start:dev - run server + frontend project in dev mode


  • yarn start:dev - Run frontend project + backend
  • yarn dev:server - Run backend server
  • yarn start:client - Run frontend project
  • yarn build:prod:client - Build in prod mode
  • yarn build:dev:client - Build in dev mode (non-minified)
  • yarn lint:client - Lint check for ts files
  • yarn test:client - Run unit tests with jest
  • yarn storybook:client - Run Storybook
  • yarn storybook:build:client - Build Storybook

Planned features

  • restaurant menu:
    • different sections
    • filters
    • add items to cart
  • shopping cart:
    • display items
    • remove items
    • proceed to checkout
  • checkout
    • enter additional info
    • show success

Planned tech

  • BE / FE in one repo - to keep things simpler
  • simple REST API backend - just for demo purposes
  • CRA Web App - for quick start with modern JS bundling, React etc
  • React for View layer
  • RxJS for reactive connection to avoid data pumping
  • TypeScript
  • Repository / Use Case / Presenter / View / Wireframe split (Clean Architecture inspired)
  • Storybook for Views
  • Unit / E2E / Screenshot testing