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Backend services for Sugar Cosmetics Clone


Related Repositories

Tech Stack

  • Node JS, Express JS, MongoDB, JWT, Razorpay API

API Reference

Get all Products

  GET /api/products
Parameter Type Description
Authorization Header Bearer Token Optional wishlist status of a user can be retrived by passing this

Get Products by category

  GET /api/products?category=${category}
Parameter Type Description
category string Required. category to fetch

Get Single Product by Id

  GET /api/products/${Id}
Parameter Type Description
Id string Required. Id to fetch

Sort Products based on price

  GET /api/products?category=${category}?sort=asc
  GET /api/products?category=${category}?sort==dsc
Parameter Type Description
sort string Required. sort dependency to fetch

Filter Products

  GET /api/products?category=${category}&filter=any1%any2%any3%any4
Parameter Type Description
filter string Required. filter value to fetch

Search Products

  GET /api/products/Search?q=${query}
Parameter Type Description
query string Required. query value to fetch

Sort Search Results

  GET /api/products/search?q=${query}&sort=asc/dsc
Parameter Type Description
query string Required. query value to fetch
sort string Required. sort value to fetch

Filter Search Results

  GET /api/products/search?q=${query}&filter=any1%any2%any3%any4
Parameter Type Description
query string Required. query value to fetch
filter string Required. filter value value should be same as products filter value

Register new account

  POST /api/account/register
Required Type Description
body json body should have the properties { name, email, password }

Login to an account

  POST /api/account/login
Required Type Description
body json body should have the properties { email, password } to fetch
  response : {
    name: ***,
    email: ***,
    token: ***

Login to an account by token

  POST /api/account/token
Required Type Description
authorization header object authorization header should have token type as Bearer and a token separated by a space in a single string
  < e.g >
  headers: {
      "authorization": `Bearer ${token}`
  response : {
    name: ***,
    email: ***,
    token: ***

Check a user exist or not

  POST /api/account/exist
Required Type Description
body json body should have the properties { email }

Send an otp to an email

  POST /api/otp/send
Required Type Description
body json body should have the properties { email }

Verify an otp

  POST /api/otp/verify
Required Type Description
body json body should have the properties { email, otp, hashkey }

Post a Product to cart data of a user

  POST /api/cart
Required Type Description
body json body should have the product
authorization header object authorization header should have token type as Bearer and a token separated by a space in a single string

Get All cart data of a user

  GET /api/cart
Required Type Description
authorization header object authorization header should have token type as Bearer and a token separated by a space in a single string

Patch a single Product from cart data of a user

  PATCH /api/cart/${Id}
Required Type Description
Id string Required. Product Id to patch
authorization header object authorization header should have token type as Bearer and a token separated by a space in a single string

Delete a single Product from cart data of a user

  DELETE /api/cart/${Id}
Required Type Description
Id string Required. Product Id to delete
authorization header object authorization header should have token type as Bearer and a token separated by a space in a single string

Erase all cart data of a user

  DELETE /api/cart/clear/all
Required Type Description
authorization header object authorization header should have token type as Bearer and a token separated by a space in a single string

Post a Product to wishlist

  POST /api/wishlist
Required Type Description
body json body should have the product
authorization header object authorization header should have token type as Bearer and a token separated by a space in a single string

Get All wishlist data of a user

  GET /api/wishlist
Required Type Description
authorization header object authorization header should have token type as Bearer and a token separated by a space in a single string

Check existancy of a product in wishlist

  GET /api/wishlist/exist/${Id}
Required Type Description
Id string Required. Product Id to delete
authorization header object authorization header should have token type as Bearer and a token separated by a space in a single string

Delete single Product from wishlist data of user

  DELETE /api/wishlist/${Id}
Required Type Description
Id string Required. Product Id to delete
authorization header object authorization header should have token type as Bearer and a token separated by a space in a single string

Post an Address to address data of a user

  POST /api/address
Required Type Description
body json body should have the fields {name, number, flatno, locality, pincode, city, state}
authorization header object authorization header should have token type as Bearer and a token separated by a space in a single string

Get All address data of a user

  GET /api/address
Required Type Description
authorization header object authorization header should have token type as Bearer and a token separated by a space in a single string

Patch a single Address from address data of a user

  PATCH /api/address/${Id}
Required Type Description
Id string Required. Address Id to patch
authorization header object authorization header should have token type as Bearer and a token separated by a space in a single string

Delete a single Address from address data of a user

  DELETE /api/address/${Id}
Required Type Description
Id string Required. Product Id to delete
authorization header object authorization header should have token type as Bearer and a token separated by a space in a single string

Create a new order

  POST /api/order
Required Type Description
body json body should have the fields {orderId, amount, created, delivery, status, products}
authorization header object authorization header should have token type as Bearer and a token separated by a space in a single string

Get All orders data of a user

  GET /api/order
Required Type Description
authorization header object authorization header should have token type as Bearer and a token separated by a space in a single string

Create a new payment

  POST /api/payment/create
Required Type Description
body json body should have the fields {amount}

Verify Payment signature

  GET /api/payment/verify
Required Type Description
body json body should have the fields { razorpay_order_id, razorpay_payment_id, razorpay_signature }

Environment Variables

To run this project, you will need to add the following environment variables to your .env file

JWT_SECRET_KEY - Json web token secret key(any) MONGO_URI - MongoDB connection string KEY_ID - Razorpay key_id KEY_SECRET - Razorpay key_secret

Run Locally

Clone the project

git clone

npm i

npm start

Author [ Arun Shaw ]


For support, email