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  1. This is a MERN Backend Registration and Login Form.
  2. It is created using HTML, CSS, Javascript, NodeJS, ExpressJS and MongoDB.
  3. Mongoose.js is used to create a new Database in MongoDB and Mongoose Schema and Models have been used to define the collections and fields of the database.
  4. The MongoDB server is connected to the MongoDB Compass to present a more visual representation of the Database.
  5. The project has 3 pages - Home, Login and Registration.
  6. Whenever the user registers on the website, the credentials of the user are stored in the Database.
  7. Only the registered users can Login into the Website.
  8. bcrypt.js npm package is used to provide password-protection for the user by means of Hashing Algorithm.
  9. jsonwebtoken npm package is used to provide a unique token for the cookies when the user registers into the website.
  10. A .env file is created which is used to store the private data of the project.
  11. ExpressJS, Handlebars Template Engine along with NodeJS Partials are used to create the layout and host on the server.

To run the App:-

cd src

node app.js