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C Compiler

This is a basic C Compiler written in Python. It was written as an end of year project, written in the last 50 days of 2019. It is not feature complete, it is missing unions, enums, bit fields, proper handling for global variables, and a number of other issues, however for the most part, it is a functioning C Compiler.

This compiler does not output an ELF or binary file, instead it outputs assembly in a language dictated by the target. By default the compiler targets a processor designed for this project, which has an emulator written to aid in development of the compiler.


The compiler is run using the command

python3 file [-o output] [options]


-o sets the name of the output file (which defaults to result.asm)

-A Outputs the assembly code to the terminal.

-O Shows the intermediate code before and after optimization

-t Outputs the parse tree to the console

-I Outputs post-optimization intermediate code to console

-C Disables Colored Output

-c Show incremental optimization changes

-cf Show finer grain optimization changes

Compiling the Examples

There are three example files given in the examples directory (along with display.h, which holds the code to handle outputing information for the system used by the demo processor).

To compile one of the example files, from the root directory of the project run

python3 examples/hello.c -o hello.asm

with any options you may want to add.

This will output an assembly file which should end with something like this:

# int main()
SUB R2, R2, 2
SW R2, R1
ADD R1, R0, 0
ADD R13, R0, 0
JL R1, clear_display
ADD R3, R0, 26
JL R1, print
ADD R3, R0, 1
CE R15, R3, 0
JF R15, main_L1
J main_L0
ADD R13, R0, 0
RW R1, R2
ADD R2, R2, 2
J R1

This assembly file can then be assembled and run with the demo processor.

Suggested Install

For ease of use, it is suggested the following script be used to install the projects on linux:

mkdir CCompilerPython
cd CCompilerPython

echo "Downloading CCompiler"
git clone

echo "Downloading DemoProcessor"
git clone

cd DemoProcessor
echo "Building Demo Processor"
make main

echo "Done"

It is then suggested that one put the following script in the root of the CCompiler repository in a file titled, ''


python3 ../DemoProcessor/assembler/ $1 ../DemoProcessor/result.bin 
../DemoProcessor/main ../DemoProcessor/result.bin

Using this one can run a program compiled with the compiler using

./run file


Requires Python 3.7 or higher

How it Works

This compiler begins with the pre-processor, tokenizes the input, parses it into a parse tree, converts the parse tree to an intermediate representation, optimizes that intermediate representation, and finally generates assembly code from that optimized intermediate representation.


The optimizer is done with a loop which runs until no further optimizations can be made. It runs a number of operations, including:

  • Reduce Register Usage
  • Remove Empty Initalizations
  • Optimize Backing up Registers
  • Optimize Move Chaining
  • Remove Unused Writes
  • Remove Unreachable Code
  • Remove Unused Variables
  • Remove Jumps to next Instruction
  • Allow Reuse of Single Use Variables
  • Removing NOP Instructions

Each of these operations makes the code slightly more efficent, and the culmination of all of them makes it reasonably efficent.

Intermediate Representation

The intermediate representation is a generalized assembly langauge to allow the compiler to not need to concern itself with the specifics of the assembly language it targets.


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