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A compiler from a C-like language to LLVM Intermediate representation and other targets

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A compiler from a C-like language to LLVM Intermediate representation.


The language this compiler works with is a C-like language with rust style type names.


The following is a list of all of the types in this language and their C equivalents.

i8      char
u8      unsigned char
i16     short
u16     unsigned short
i32     int
u32     unsigned int
i64     long
u64     unsigned long
void    void


Functions are declared in the same way as in C, however there is no need to provide both a declaration and a definition for functions as functions can be given in any order. However, there is no overloading for functions. The following is a main function in both C, and the pseudo C of this compiler.


int main(int argc, char** argv)
    return 0;

Pseudo C

i32 main(i32 argc, i8** argv)
    return 0;


To simplify the type system, only integer literals are allowed.


The following is a list of all of the operations allowed in Pseudo-C

a[b]        Array Indexing
a(b, c)     Function Calls
a++         Post Incrementing
a--         Post Decrementing
++a         Pre Incrementing
--a         Pre Decrementing
+a          Unary Plus
-a          Unary Minus
!a          Logical Not
~a          Bitwise Not
*           Dereference
&           Reference
a*b         Multiplication
a/b         Division
a%b         Modulus
a+b         Addition
a-b         Subtraction
a<<b        Shift Left
a>>b        Shift Right
a<b         Less Than
a<=b        Less Than or Equal To
a>b         Greater Than
a>=b        Greater Than or Equal To
a==b        Equal
a!=b        Not Equal
a&b         Bitwise And
a^b         Bitwise Xor
a|b         Bitwise Or
a&&b        Logical And
a||b        Logical Or
a?b:c       Ternary
a=b         Assignment
a+=b        Add Assignment
a-=b        Subtract Assignment
a*=b        Multiply Assignment
a/=b        Divide Assignment
a%=b        Modulus Assignment
a<<=b       Shift Left Assignment
a>>=b       Shift Right Assignment
a&=b        Bitwise And Assignment
a^=b        Bitwise Xor Assignment
a|=b        Bitwise Or Assignment
a as u8     Type Cast
a, b, c     Comma

Control Flow

There are three forms of loops in Pseudo C, loop which starts an infinite loop, while which is a standard while loop, and do while which is a standard do while loop. In addition there is the standard if else if else statements aswell. However, note that there are no parenthases required around the conditions for those control flow structures which require conditions.

In addition from within a loop the continue and break statements can be used. Finally, within a function the return statement can be used to return a value.

Variable Declarations

Variable declarations are the same as in C with the new type names, and a value must be assigned at the declaration.



u32 factorial(u32 value)
    return (value < 2) ? 1 : (value * factorial(value - 1));


u32 fibb(u32 index)
    u32 a = 0, b = 1, c = 0;

    while value--
        c = b + a;
        a = b;
        b = c;

    return b;

Command Line Options

Usage: compiler [options] file...
     --help                    Display this page
 -g                [MODE]      Set the code gen mode to use
     --llvm-layout [LAYOUT]    Sets the target data layout for LLVM
     --llvm-target [TARGET]    Sets the target triple for LLVM
     --nocomp                  Do not collapse register usage
 -o                [FILE]      Redirect the output to the given file
 -O                [VAL]       Set the optimization level (defaults to 2)
     --stdout                  Display the output on stdout
 -T  --tree                    Display the parse tree

Allowable Codegen Modes:


Fully compiling a .pc file to an executable on Linux is done by first running the compiler:

cargo run -- file.pc -o out.ll -O 3 -g llvm

next is compiling the llvm IR

llc out.ll

finally, assembling the assembly output from llc

gcc out.S -o compiled

which produces the executable.



One of the largest restrictions is in the typing system, there are some requirements which are imposed by llvm IR which means that casts must be explicit in many circumstances.

There are several other restrictions again due to llvm IR limitations, specifically pointer addition is heavily restricted, however again, casts can generally correct this.

Optimizations are performed on the internal IR, not on the llvm IR, as such the llvm IR produced can be very inefficent.

Finally, there are many smaller bugs more specific to situations.


Currently, this project is shelved, however I hope to come back to it and do some further testing and make the llvm IR generation more robust.


A compiler from a C-like language to LLVM Intermediate representation and other targets







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