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Author:		Kondrak Matthias
Address:	University of Innsbruck, Institute of Astro and Particle Physics
			Technikerstraße 25, 08/22
			A-6020 Innsbruck
Date: 		22/08/2016
Version: 	3.0

 * Introduction
 * Requirements
 * Installation
 * Configuration
 * Workflow

This project is intented to enhance and automate the data reduction of the BRITE-data.
Therefore various scripts are used to plot the data and visualize the reduction process.
The idea of the reduction comes from the cookbook "Analysis of BRITE data — a cookbook"
from Andrzej Pigulski, which can be downloaded here:

More details about the decorrelation with some statistics can be found in
"Analysis of BRITE data - a statistical analysis", which is also attached to this project.

This project automates the following steps:
 * Removing data points by selecting a cutoff at a desired pixel range of the
   XCEN and YCEN parameter. This is called 'aperture correction'.
 * Removing data points with a large scattering in magnitude. Therefore, a lower/upper 
   threshold is choosen and all data points below/above this threshold are removed.
   This is called 'flat removal'.
 * Decorrelation of the flux/magnitude with temperature, x- and y-center. Due to chopping 
   mode this is also enhanced to decorrelate the flux with x1-, x2-, y1- and y2-center
 * Performing sigma-clipping to remove points with a large scattering within one orbit.
Within this steps another kind of redcution process is performed - orbital removal.
If there are too many data points within one orbit removed, the whole orbit is removed.
If there are lots of outliers within one orbit, it is very probable that the other data points,
which were not removed by a procedure, have also a large error. To reduce this error in the
final data, the whole orbit is therefore removed. 
The threshold of how many data points can be removed, without removing the whole orbit, can
be set inside the script (which will be explained in detail later).

This script is compatible with the version 1 to 4 (R1 to R4) of the BRITE-DATA.
Note: Testing has been done with R2 (normal mode) and R4 (chopping mode) so far.

Note: The following abbreviations are used:
HJD ... heliocentric julian date (=julian date corrected for differences in earths
position with respect to the sun)
XCEN/x-cen/x-center ... denotes the central position of the measured point spread function
on the CCD (same for Y)

 * bash - to execute the main script
 * python with matplotlib, numpy, scipy.stats libraries for plotting and data reduction
 * awk - for data calculation
	IMPORTANT:  awk or gawk is needed, since using mawk results in an error!
				Please be sure to use awk or gawk as your default awk-interpretor
 * mktemp - for generating temporary files to ensure that no other files are
 * OPTIONAL: you can set the TMPDIR environment variable, so that temporary files
	for calculations will be stored in TMPDIR - may improve speed, if TMPDIR is in RAM 
	Uses /tmp by default if TMPDIR is not set
 * OPTIONAL: Period04 for time-series analysis
 * OPTIONAL: If you want to run this application on a Mac system, you need gnu-sed. The easiest way to do this (provided you have brew installed) is to call *brew install gnu-sed --with-default-names*. This will replace your default sed with gnu-sed.

1) Simply extract the zip-file to your working directory. 

2) Call the script with:
	./ <FILE>		with FILE is the data file containing BRITE-data 
	e.g.: ./
	Note: The file format is ASCII-CSV with a header starting with 'c ' e.g.:
	c SatellID= BAb		/ satellite short ID

	Note: The columns are separated by blank spaces/tabulators

3) The script will guide you through the reduction process.
	The workflow of the script will be shown below for better understanding.

4) The script automatically creates a logfile and loggs the input/workflow.
	Note: Currently the decorrelation is not logged.

1) Before getting started, you might want to set your default HJD. Because
	the HJD is a very large numer, a default value is subtracted. 
	To set the HJD to your default date open the with a text 
	editor (gedit, emacs, ...) and change the variable 'HJDsub'.

2) The script splits the orbits according to the timespan between two data
	points. You can change this by editing the variable 'thres'. This is might
	not necessary, because the orbits should have a constant minimum separation

3) The threshold of how many data points can be removed without removing the 
	whole orbit is denoted by 'orbthres' inside the function 'remove_orbit ()'.
	The default value is 0.2 - means that if less than 20% of the original
	data points are present, the whole orbit is removed

1) Prepares the input: Converts the measured flux to magnitudes and
	subtracts the default HJD. Also prepares the file-format for the other 
	scripts involved in the reduction process.

2) Displays a graph with 4 plots for a general overview:
	* YCEN vs. XCEN
	* Magnitude vs. HJD
	* Magnitude vs. XCEN
	* Magnitude vs. YCEN
	The user can click onto a data point to get further informations about it.
	Using 'n' and 'p' to browse through the datapoints (next/previous).

3) Let the user select a methode for aperture correction:
	* No correction
	* (Using default values - only in 'normal-mode')
	* Use the keyboard to input some values
	* Use the graphical interface
	* Quit the program
	Using the graphical interface: A window with 2x3 (chopping mode) or
	1x3 (normal mode) plots appear. The version of the used data file 
	tells the script which mode is used - no further user actions are
	required here.
	The left plots shows the YCEN vs. XCEN for the first (upper plot) and second
	(lower plot) CCD position of the chopping mode. The user can draw
	a rectangle with the mouse. Note: Drawing is disabled, if a button on
	the toolbar is pressed, e.g. zooming
	The plots in the middle show the Magnitude vs. XCEN. There the user can
	also draw, but only select some XCEN values. The same for the right plots
	with Magnitude vs. YCEN.
	If the window is closed the script continues. If no rectangular shape
	is drawn, some default values are taken.
4) Let the user select a methode for flat removal:
	* No removal
	* Use the keyboard to input some values
	* Use the graphical interface
	* Quit the program

	Using the graphical interface: A plot with Magnitude vs. HJD appears.
	The user can draw a shape to select a lower and upper threshold of
	the magnitude. If the window is closed the script continues. If no shape
	is drawn, some default values are taken.

5) Decorrelation:
	At first a window is shown with 2x2 plots:
	* Magnitude vs. Temperature
	* Magnitude vs. HJD
	* Magnitude vs. XCEN
	* Magnitude vs. YCEN
	There the correlation of the magnitude with the temperature, XCEN and YCEN
	is plotted as a line. A red line correspond to blue data points and 
	a blue line correspond to red data points. Due to chopping mode two
	different data sets are plotted in the Magnitude vs. XCEN/YCEN.
	In the console the decorrelation matrix is written. More information about
	that in the "statistical analysis".
	The higher the value for a specific variable is, the more probable a
	correlation between magnitude and this variable exists. Now the user can
	select a decorrelation variable. Deccorelation is applied, the plot is
	generated and the matrix is calculated again.
	If the user quits the decorrelation the script continues to the next step.
6) Let the user select a methode for sigma clipping:
	* No sigma clipping
	* Use sigma clipping
	* Quit the program

	In the sigma clipping the user has to select a clipping value. Sigma clipping
	is performed the following way. For every orbit it calculates the mean and
	standard deviation (stddev) value. Afterwars it just keeps the following
	data points: mean - (stddev * clipping) < data < mean + (stddev * clipping)
	Then it calculates the mean and stddev for this orbit again. If the stddev
	is stable (does not change any more) the clipping is finished.

7) A final overview is shown:
	The user sees the corrected/processed data and might remove manually some
	points. Therefore one needs to press 'CTRL' + click onto the desired point.
	WARNING: Removed points can not be restored! Removing a point can not
				be undone! BE CAREFUL!

8) The output is written to disk and temporary files are removed/deleted.
	Also a logfile is provided. The output is given in CSV-format with a 
	',' as delimiter. The scipts also outputs the name of the file.



This tool is used for reduction of BRITE data.







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