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Motivation :

This project is a part of course CSE-332 (Software Engineering Lab). Our motivation was to create a platform for blockchain enthusiastic people. As blockchain is a new technology, the resource on this topic is very difficult to find. We wanted to create a platform where people can share detailed hands-on tutorial or their ideas on various topics of blockchain. Also, when developing any blockchain application/gathering information on any particular blockchain related topic, people may find difficulties and many question may arise. So we added a Q/A sector. Basically this project is one kind of a mixture of medium and stackoverflow. Here people can share their knowledge and help each other when necessary.


2017331014 ( Ashraf Tasin ) and 2017331064 (Joydip das) from CSE,SUST


  • MERN Stack

Video Presentation :

Click on the image below to see the video presentation of this project.

Key Features :

  1. Posting Blogs with text/image/hyperlinks/etc.
  2. Giving reputation points to a blog
  3. Creating a discussion sector
  4. Marking a discussion as solved/Unsolved
  5. Comments and giving replies to other's comments( reply to a specific users comment , and that user can reply to the comment that you just commented .Like facebook create branches of comment & replies)
  6. Editing personal profile
  7. Giving upvotes/downvotes to a question

Sample Images :

How To Run This Project :

  1. Clone this repository into your local machine.
  2. Open a terminal by pressing Crtl+Alt+T and install the client side dependencies by running the following commands
cd client
npm install
  1. Now you need to install the server side dependencies by running the following commands :
cd ../server
npm install
  1. Create a file named config.env in server folder and add the following variables :

DATABASE= // your mongodb credentials PORT=5000 MAIL_USER= // your mail settings CLIENT_ID= // your developer id from google account CLIENT_SECRET= // your developer secret from google id REDIRECT_URI= // your redirected uri from google id REFRESH_TOKEN= // your refresh token from google id

  1. Now you need to run the client and server seperately. Change your directory to client/src and run
npm start
  • if you face errors in step 5, you might try to run npm start from client folder .
  1. Change your directory to server and run :
npm start

If everything goes correctly, your client side and server side both should be up and running and you'll be able to sign up and continue using the application by yourself.


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