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A Simple React Native Chat Module


yarn add react-native-custom-chat-module

Second step(Plugins Installation):

run this command

yarn add react-native-vector-icons uuid react-native-random-values

Add types for react-native-vector-icons

yarn add -D @types/react-native-vector-icons

Setup IOS

make sure you have installe dth epods by running the following command

cd ios && pod install

Also make sure you have imported react-native-get-random-value on the begeniing of App.js or App.tsx

// App.tsx
import * as React from 'react';
import 'react-native-get-random-values';

// rest of the component


import ChatList from 'react-native-custom-chat-module';

// ...

  headerTitleStyle={{ color: '#fff' }}
  headerStyle={{ backgroundColor: '#1A1F16' }}
  title="Message Title"
  onBackPress={() => {
    // do someting on back press
  chatInputStyle={{ color: '#fff' }}
  onSendMessage={(newMessage) => {
    // api call or store in state


export type IMessageType = {
   * id of the string unique
  id: string;
   * message string
  message: string;
   * sent or recived date of the message
  date: string;
   * to identify weather message is sent or recived
  sent: boolean;

export type IChatListProps = Omit<ViewProps, 'style'> & {
   * style of the component
   * @default {flex: 1}
  style?: StyleProp<ViewStyle>;
   * Name or Title of the chat
  title: string;
   * function which will be called when cross icon on the header is pressed
   * @returns void
  onBackPress?: () => void;
   * function which will be called when send icon is pressed in the input
   * @param message Message object created by the input text
   * @returns void
   * ```js
   * Eg:
   * <ChatList
   *    onSendMessage={(newMessage) => {
   *        // call the api or store in state
   *    }}
   * />
   * ```
  onSendMessage?: (message: IMessageType) => void;

   * data array of messages
   * ```js
   * Eg:
   * const items = [{
   *    id: "1",
   *    message: "New Message",
   *    date: new Date().toString()
   * }];
   * return (
   *    <ChatList
   *        data={items}
   *    />
   * )
   * ```
  data: IMessageType[];
   * header style
   * use this to se the header height and backgroud coloe of the header
  headerStyle?: StyleProp<Omit<ViewStyle, 'justifyContent' | 'alignItems'>>;
   * header title text style
   * user this to set the style for the header title text
  headerTitleStyle?: StyleProp<TextStyle>;

   * chat input style
   * use this to change the style for the chat inpput component
   * ie: font size, color, family etc
  chatInputStyle?: StyleProp<TextStyle>;
   * use this to change the style of the chat input container
  chatInputContainerStyle?: StyleProp<ViewStyle>;
   * These styles will be applied to the scroll view content container which
   * wraps all of the child views. Example:
   *   return (
   *     <ChatList listContentContainerStyle={styles.contentContainer} />
   *   );
   *   ...
   *   const styles = StyleSheet.create({
   *     contentContainer: {
   *       paddingVertical: 20
   *     }
   *   });
  listContentContainerStyle?: StyleProp<ViewStyle>;
   * titne color changes the the color of the header title and the back button
  tintColor?: ColorValue;
   * The text color of the placeholder string
  inputPlaceholderTextColor?: ColorValue;

export type IChatHeaderProps = Pick<
  'title' | 'onBackPress' | 'headerStyle' | 'headerTitleStyle' | 'tintColor'
> & {};

export type IChatInputProps = Pick<
  | 'onSendMessage'
  | 'chatInputStyle'
  | 'chatInputContainerStyle'
  | 'inputPlaceholderTextColor'
> & {};

export type IListComponentProps = Pick<
  'data' | 'listContentContainerStyle'

export type IMessageItemProps = {
  item: IMessageType;


See the contributing guide to learn how to contribute to the repository and the development workflow.



Made with create-react-native-library