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<h1 class="title is-1 publication-title">RF Genesis: Zero-Shot Generalization of mmWave Sensing through Simulation-Based Data Synthesis and Generative Diffusion Models</h1>
<div class="is-size-5 publication-authors">
<span class="author-block">
<a href="">Xingyu Chen</a>,</span>
<span class="author-block">
<a href="">Xinyu Zhang</a></span>


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<span class="author-block">UC San Diego</span>

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<span class="dnerf">Nerfies</span> turns selfie videos from your phone into
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<h2 class="subtitle has-text-centered">
<span ><b>RFGen</b></span> can generate diverse training data for RF
sensing applications to improve generalization, based on the
description of the target sensing application and its large
cross-modal knowledge
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<h2 class="title is-3">Abstract</h2>
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This paper presents RF Genesis (RFGen), a novel and cost-effective method for synthesizing RF sensing data using cross-modal diffusion models,
in order to improve the generalization capability of millimeter-wave (mmWave) sensing systems.
Traditional machine learning models used in mmWave sensing struggle with limited training datasets.
Their performance degrades drastically when confronted with unseen users, environments, sensor configurations, test classes, etc.
RFGen mitigates these challenges by using a cross-modal generative framework to synthesize and expand mmWave sensing data.
We specifically propose a custom ray tracing simulator to simulate RF propagation and interaction with objects/environments.
We then leverage a set of diffusion models to generate massive 3D scenes,
and transform the visual scene representation into the corresponding mmWave sensing data,
under the direction of application-specific ''prompts''.
Our proposed approach reconciles the physics-based ray tracing with the black-box diffusion model,
leading to accurate, scalable, and explainable vision-to-RF data synthesis.
Our extensive real-world experiments highlight RFGen's effectiveness in diverse mmWave sensing applications,
enhancing their generalization to unseen test cases without laborious data collection.
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<h2 class="title">BibTeX</h2>
author = {Chen, Xingyu and Zhang, Xinyu},
title = {RF Genesis: Zero-Shot Generalization of mmWave Sensing through Simulation-Based Data Synthesis and Generative Diffusion Models},
booktitle = {ACM Conference on Embedded Networked Sensor Systems (SenSys ’23)},
year = {2023},
pages = {1-14},
address = {Istanbul, Turkiye},
publisher = {ACM, New York, NY, USA},
url = {},
doi = {10.1145/3625687.3625798}

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We thank the authors of <a
href="">Nerfies</a> that kindly open sourced the template of this website.

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