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361 lines (321 loc) · 8.21 KB

File metadata and controls

361 lines (321 loc) · 8.21 KB

API Schema

Schema Version: v3 # Increase this number whenever the schema changes.

The interactions with the server and data storage in the database are all done using JSON objects. The file that contains code for these interactions should have the version number in a comment. This will make any API level incompability easily noticable.

Connecting to the Server

Using zeroconf, look for this service: assis10t._http._tcp.


For requests that require authentication, include an http header called "username" with the username.

Data Types:

User {
    "_id": String,
    "username": String,
    "type": "merchant" or "customer" or "robot",
    "robotId": String // Only for type: robot

Item {
    "_id": String,
    "warehouseId": String,
    "name": String,
    "image": Base64 encoded String (or null for default image),
    "position": Position,
    "quantity": Double,
    "unit": String (or null if there is no unit),
    "price": Double, // In GBP
    "size": "tiny", "small", "large" // Tiny - 3 of these can fit in bob, Small - 2 can fit, Large - 1 can fit

Position {
    "x": Int, // Perpendicular to robot's initial position.
    "y": Int, // Parallel to robot's initial position.
    "z": Int // Vertical

Order {
    "_id": String,
    "userId": String,
    "warehouseId": String,
    "timestamp": String,
    "items": [Item],
    "warehouse": Warehouse // On get requests to /api/order or /api/order/:orderId, this is also included. Not included in POST requests.

Warehouse {
    "_id": String,
    "merchantId": String, // The merchant that owns this warehouse.
    "name": String,
    "image": Base64 encoded String (or null for default image),
    "location": {
        "latitude": Double,
        "longitude": Double
    "dimensions": {
        "x": Int, // Perpendicular to robot's initial position.
        "y": Int, // Parallel to robot's initial position.
        "z": [Double] // Vertical. Each element is height of a shelf, in ascending order, in meters. (Include bottom shelf as 0.0)
    "items": [Item] // Only for GET /warehouse/:warehouseId

Robot {
    "_id": String,
    "warehouseId": String,
    "last_seen": ISO-8601 formatted date String,
    "status": "WAITING" or "ON_JOB" or "MIA" or "NOT_RESPONDING" or "MANUAL_CONTROL",
    "home_x": Int,
    "home_y": Int,
    "location": {
        "x": Int, // Perpendicular to robot's initial position.
        "y": Int, // Parallel to robot's initial position.
        "z": Int // Vertical

Job {
    "_id": String,
    "start": Position,
    "finish": Position,
    "instruction_set": [Instruction]

// Instruction object can be one of the following:
Instruction {
    "command": "move",
    "parameters": {
        "blocks": Int, // Positive
        "direction": "forward" or "backward" or "left" or "right"
// or
Instruction {
    "command": "lift",
    "parameters": {
        "height": Double // in meters
// or
Instruction {
    "command": "grab",
    "parameters": {}

API Endpoints

Method Path Auth Description
GET /api/ping Returns Pong.
POST /api/register Registers a new User.
POST /api/login Logs in existing User.
GET /api/order Customer Gets all Orders of current User.
GET /api/order/:orderId Customer Gets Order with given id.
POST /api/order Customer Adds given Order.
GET /api/warehouse Gets all Warehouses.
POST /api/warehouse Merchant Create/edit a warehouse.
GET /api/warehouse/:warehouseId Gets given Warehouse with its items.
POST /api/warehouse/:warehouseId/items Merchant Adds an Item to a Warehouse.
GET /api/warehouse/:warehouseId/items/:itemId Merchant Gets the item with the given itemId.
DELETE /api/warehouse/:warehouseId/items/:itemId Merchant Deletes the item with the given itemId.
GET /api/warehouse/:warehouseId/orders Merchant Gets all orders in the given Warehouse.
GET /api/warehouse/:warehouseId/orders/:orderId Merchant Get order with the given orderId.
POST /api/warehouse/:warehouseId/orders/:orderId Merchant Update status of the order with the given orderId.
GET /api/warehouse/:warehouseId/robot Merchant Gets the state of the robot(s).
GET /api/robot Robot Get details of the current Robot.
GET /api/robot/:username Merchant Get details about the robot with given username
POST /api/robot/:robotId/sethome Merchant Set the home location of the robot.
GET /api/robotjob Robot Gets the next job the robot needs to do.
PUT /api/turnon/:n Starts moving the robot. Robot stops after seeing n markers.
PUT /api/turnoff Stops the robot.

Error Handling

All requests that complete successfully respond with a JSON object with "success": true. Any failure to fulfill the request results in the following response with an appropriate status code >= 400:

===== Output =====
    "success": false,
    "error": String

GET /api/ping

===== Output =====

POST /api/register

===== Input =====
    "username": String,
    "type": "merchant" or "customer" or "robot"
===== Output =====
    "success": Boolean,
    "user": User

POST /api/login

===== Input =====
    "username": String
===== Output =====
    "success": true,
    "user": User

GET /api/order

===== Output =====
    "success": true,
    "orders": [Order]

GET /api/order/:orderId

===== Output =====
    "success": true,
    "orders": Order (or null if order isnt found)

POST /api/order

===== Input =====
Order // without _id field

===== Output =====
    "success": true

GET /api/warehouse

===== Output =====
    "success": true,
    "warehouses": [Warehouse]

POST /api/warehouse

===== Input =====
Warehouse //With _id if updating an existing warehouse, or without _id if creating a new one.
===== Output =====
    "success": true,
    "warehouse": Warehouse

GET /api/warehouse/:warehouseId

===== Output =====
    "success": true,
    "warehouse": Warehouse // Including list of items in the warehouse.

POST /api/warehouse/:warehouseId/items

===== Input =====
Item //With _id if updating an existing item, or without _id if creating a new one.
===== Output =====
    "success": true,
    "item": Item

GET /api/warehouse/:warehouseId/items/:itemId

===== Output =====
    "success": true,
    "item": Item

DELETE /api/warehouse/:warehouseId/items

===== Output =====
    "success": true

GET /api/warehouse/:warehouseId/orders

===== Output =====
    "success": true,
    "orders": [Order]

GET /api/warehouse/:warehouseId/orders/:orderId

===== Output =====
    "success": true,
    "order": Order

POST /api/warehouse/:warehouseId/orders/:orderId

===== Input =====
===== Output =====
    "success": true,
    "order": Order

GET /api/warehouse/:warehouseId/robot

===== Output =====
    "success": true,
    "robots": [Robot]

GET /api/robot

===== Output =====
    "success": true,
    "robot": Robot

GET /api/robot/:username

===== Output =====
    "success": true,
    "robot": Robot

POST /api/robot/:robotId/sethome

===== Input =====
===== Output =====
    "success": true

GET /api/robotjob

===== Output =====
    "success": true,
    "job": Job

PUT /api/turnon/:n

===== Output =====
    "success": true

PUT /api/turnoff

===== Output =====
    "success": true