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Releases: AssisrMatheus/TodoChecklister


25 Sep 21:18
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  • Fixed a bug that would break the addon if the user had an item created using an older version

1.2.2 Brings a lot of improvements!

25 Sep 01:13
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  • Fixed a bug where the FPS would drop when resizing the window
  • Fixed a bug that if you added an item through /todo add while an item was clicked, it would edit that item
  • Added the option to mute all chat messages
  • Added the option to hide the minimap icon
  • Bank items are now automatically added to item count when linking an item. This can be disabled in the interface options menu
  • Items charges are now displayed instead of item count if that item has charges. This can be disabled in the interface options menu
  • With the kind help of @Pygex, you can now keybind any hotkey to toggle the window(previously you could only do that with a macro that used the /todo tg command)

Quick fixes!

24 Sep 00:47
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  • Fixed a bug that would display an error window when linkin an item

Dragging and dropping is here!

23 Sep 03:06
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I've put all my work this weekend to fix bugs and improve the list with functionalities people have asked for. So here they are!

This version has

  • New configuration options in "Esc" -> Interface Options -> Addons -> Todochecklister
  • Opacity options has been added added
  • You can now drag and drop items to reorder
  • An EPIC sound will play if you complete everything from your list - you can turn that off in the new settings ;)
  • You can now link items from your bag and it will show you how much you currently have
  • You can do EVERYTHING by chat commands
  • Added a "Keep focus" box so to quickly multi-add items
  • The frame now DOES NOT display when logging back in if the frame was hidden prior to logout/reload
  • Fixed a bug where the scroll would be a little finicky if too many items were added and window got too big
  • Fixed a bug where the interface options would not reload after typing /todo reload

And this version obviously contains previous versions fixes like:

  • Fixed a bug where items would not display after first logging back in
  • Scaling limit
  • Minimap button tooltip

As always, for suggestions or bugs, feel free to create as many issues as you want

Bugfix train is passing! /train

19 Sep 03:13
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  • Added a scaling limit when scaling the window
  • Added a new chat command: /todo reload to reset the window to its original position. In case any bug makes it disappear.

Another batch of Bugfixes!

19 Sep 02:12
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Recently a lot of people had problems with the list not loading for the first time, and I wasn't able to reproduce this. Today I managed to find it and solve this issue!

Here's the changelog for this version

  • Fixed a bug where the user could resize the addon window to the void (Fixed on 1.1.5b)
  • Fixed a bug where the chat command would only add the first word
  • Fixed a bug where the list would not appear after first logging in. But then would appear back after adding an item or toggling the window
  • Added a tooltip to the minimap button

Retail version!!

18 Sep 01:43
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The addon worked flawlessly on wow retail, so I only had to re-tag its interface version. Have fun listing!

I really forget things

18 Sep 01:37
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  • This version removes a leftover print chat command that I used to fix a previous bug. And was printing "nil" when adding a new item!

Thank you for downloading

18 Sep 01:20
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I posted the addon on /r/classicwow and OH MAN thank you guys for your support and for whoever gave me gold! 🔸💛💛💛💝

I cannot be happier than I am right now and I thank everyone that downloaded the addon and is giving feedback. I'm writing everything on the issues list(features and bugs) and will work on them ASAP. I'm having a blasting making this addon and the objective is to maintain it simple enough and powerful(with important features)

So, let's get to this nightly changelog:

  • Fixed a bug where the todo item would not be added after first logging in with your character.
  • REMOVED autofocused text box for now. Even though you could cancel it with ESC. People were having trouble with it. Will bring it back after I add some kind of checkbox where you can say "I want my text box to keep focused"
  • ✨ Added the possibility to add an item via chat command. This was requested on the reddit post and it was simple enough to implement it in this quick fix.

🔧 Fixing bugs in the speed of light!

17 Sep 01:50
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  • Fixed a bug that if you selected an item and deleted another one while the previous was still selected. The item would deselect