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Keras implementation of a chatbot. The basic idea is to start by setting up your training environment as described below and then training with or without autoencoding. The inspiration for this project is the tensorflow NMT project found at the following link: Also, this was inspiring: Finally there was a great deep learning youtube series from Siraj Raval. A link for that is here


The folders and files in the project are organized in the following manor. The root directory of the project is called awesome-chatbot. In that folder are sub folders named data, model, raw and saved. There are several script files in the main folder along side the folders mentioned above. These scripts all have names that start with the word do_ . This is so that when the files are listed by the computer the scripts will all appear together. Below is a folder by folder breakdown of the project.

  • data This folder holds the training data that the model uses during the fit and predict operations. The contents of this folder are generally processed to some degree by the project scripts. This pre-processing is described below. This folder also holds the vocab files that the program uses for training and inference. The modified word embeddings are also located here.
  • model This folder holds the python code for the project. Though some of the setup scripts are also written in python, this folder holds the special python code that maintains the keras model. This model is the framework for the neural network that is at the center of this project. There are also two setup scripts in this folder.
  • raw This folder holds the raw downloads that are manipulated by the setup scripts. These include the GloVe vectors and the Reddit Comments download.
  • saved This folder holds the saved values from the training process.

Description of the individual setup scripts is included below.

Suggested Reading - Acknowledgements

GloVe and W2V Word Embeddings Download

REDDIT Download

Scripts For Setup

Here is a list of scripts and their description and possibly their location. You must execute them in order. It is recommended that you install all the packages in the requirements.txt file. You can do this with the command pip3 install -r requirements.txt

  1. This script is located in the root folder of the repository. It takes no arguments. Execute this command and the GloVe word embeddings will be downloaded on your computer. This download could take several minutes. The file is found in the raw folder. In order to continue to later steps you must unpack the file. In the raw directory, execute the command unzip
  2. This script is located in the root folder of the repository. It takes no arguments. Execute this command and the Reddit Comments JSON file will be downloaded on your computer. This download could take several hours and requires several gigabytes of space. The file is found in the raw folder. In order to continue to later steps you must unpack the file. In the raw directory execute the command bunzip2 RC_2017-11.bz2. Unzipping this file takes hours and consumes 30 to 50 gigabytes of space on your hard drive.
  3. This script is located in the root folder of the repository. It takes one argument, a specification of the location of the uunpacked Reddit Comments JSON file. Typically you would execute the command as ./ raw/RC_2017-11. Executing this file takes several hours and outputs a sqlite data base called input.db in the root directory or your repository. There should be 5.9 Million paired rows of comments in the final db file. You can move the file or rename it for convenience. I typically put it in the raw folder. This python script uses sqlite3.
  4. This file is not located in the root folder of the repository. It is in the subfolder that the file is found in. Execute this file with one argument, the location of the input.db file. The script takes several hours and creates many files in the data folder that the file will later use for training. These data files are also used to create the vocabulary files that are essential for the model.
  5. This file is located in the directory that the is found in. It takes no arguments. It proceeds to find the most popular words in the training files and makes them into a list of vocabulary words of the size specified by the file. It also adds a token for unknown words and for the start and end of each sentence. It could take hours to run. It puts a vocabulary list in the data folder, along with a modified GloVe word embeddings file.
  6. This file should be called once after the data folder is set up to create some important symbolic links that will allow the file to find the training data. If your computer has limited resources this method can be called with a single integer, n, as the first argument. This sets up the symbolic links to piont the file at the nth training file. It should be noted that there are about 80 training files in the RC_2017-11 download, but these training files are simply copies of the larger training file, called train.big.from and, split up into smaller pieces. When strung together they are identical to the bigger file. If your computer can use the bigger file it is recommended that you do so. If you are going to use the larger file, call the script withhout any arguments. If you are going to use the smaller files, call the script with the number associated with the file you are interested in. This call woudl look like this: ./ 1

Scripts For Train -

This is a script for running the python file located in the model folder. There are several commandline options available for the script. Type ./ --help to see them all. Some options are listed below.

  • --help This prints the help text for the program.
  • --mode=MODENAME This sets the mode for the program. It can be one of the following:
    • train This is for training the model for one pass of the selected training file.
    • long This is for training the model for several epochs on the selected training files. It is the preferred method for doing extended training.
    • infer This just runs the program's infer method once so that the state of the model's training might be determined from observation.
    • review This loads all the saved model files and performs a infer on each of them in order. This way if you have several training files you can choose the best.
    • interactive This allows for interactive input with the predict part of the program.
  • --printable=STRING This parameter allows you to set a string that is printed on the screen with every call of the fit function. It allows the script to inform the user what stage training is at, if for example the user looks at the screen between the switching of input files. (see description of below.)
  • --baename=NAME This allows you to specify what filename to use when the program loads a saved model file. This is useful if you want to load a filename that is different from the filename specified in the file. This parameter only sets the basename.
  • --autoencode This option turns on auto encoding during training. It overrides the model/ hyper parameter.
  • --train-all This option overrides the option that dictated when the embeddings layer is modified during training. It can be used on a saved model that was created with embedding training disabled.

Scripts For Train -

This script is not needed if your computer will run the --mode=long parameter mentioned above for the script. If your computer has limited memory or you need to train the models in smaller batches you can use this script. It takes no arguments initially. It goes through the training files in the data folder and runs the training program on them one at a time. There are two optional parameters for this script that allow you to specify the number of training files that are saved, and also the number of epochs you want the program to perform.

Hyper-parameters - model/

This file is for additional parameters that can be set using a text editor before the file is run.

  • save_dir This is the relative path to the directory where model files are saved.
  • data_dir This is the relative path to the directory where training and testing data ate saved.
  • embed_name This is the name of the embed file that is found in the data folder.
  • vocab_name This is the name of the primary vocabulary list file. It is found in the data folder.
  • test_name This is the name of the test file. It is not used presently.
  • test_size This is the size of the test file in lines. It is not used.
  • train_name This is the name of the train file. It is the 'base' name so it doesn't include the file ending.
  • src_ending This is the filename ending for the source test and training files.
  • tgt_ending This is the filename ending for the target test and training files.
  • base_filename This is the base filename for when the program saves the network weights and biases.
  • base_file_num This is a number that is part of the final filename for the saved weights from the network.
  • num_vocab_total This number is the size of the vocabulary. It is also read by the file. It can only be chhanged when the vocabulary is being created before training.
  • batch_size Training batch size. May be replaced by batch_constant.
  • steps_to_stats Number representing how many times the fit method is called before the stats are printed to the screen.
  • epochs Number of training epochs.
  • embed_size Dimensionality of the basic word vector length. Each word is represented by a vector of numbers and this vector is as long as embed_size. This can only take certain values. The GloVe download, mentioned above, has word embedding in only certain sizes. These sizes are: 50, 100, 200, and 300.
  • embed_train This is a True/False parameter that determines whether the model will allow the loaded word vector values to be modified at the time of training.
  • autoencode This is a True/False parameter that determines whether the model is set up for regular encoding or autoencoding during the training phase.
  • infer_repeat This parameter is a number higher than zero that determines how many times the program will run the infer method when stats are being printed.
  • embed_mode This is a string. Accepted values are 'mod' and 'normal'. This allows the development of code that will test out different testing scenarios. 'mod' is not supported at the time of this writing. Use 'normal' at all times.
  • dense_activation There is a dense layer in the model and this parameter tells that layer how to perform its activations. If the value None or 'none' is passed to the program the dense layer is skipped entirely. The value 'softmax' was used initially but produced poor results. The value 'tanh' produces some reasonable results.
  • sol This is the symbol used for the 'start of line' token.
  • eol This is the symbol used for the 'end of line' token.
  • unk This is the symbol used for the 'unknown word' token.
  • units This is the initial value for hidden units in the first LSTM cell in the model.
  • learning_rate This is the learning rate for the 'adam' optimizer.
  • tokens_per_sentence This is the number of tokens per sentence.
  • batch_constant This number serves as a batch size parameter.


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