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DCAT-AP Schema Plugin for GeoNetwork

This repository contains a DCAT-AP v1.2 schema plugin for GeoNetwork 3.10.x.


This schema plugin was forked from and adapted to work with GeoNetwork 3.10.x. See that link for more information.

Installing the plugin

GeoNetwork version to use with this plugin

Use GeoNetwork version 3.10.x. It is un-tested on GeoNetwork 3.12 or later.

Clone the core repository and checkout the correct branch:

git clone --recursive
git checkout 3.10.x

Adding the plugin to the source code

Deploy using ./ in the root core-geonetwork directory:

./ dcat-ap 3.10.x

Copy the web and web-ui folders into your root geonetwork directory, overwriting if prompted. Don't worry- this just adds some new files, it doesn't overwrite any existing ones!

Apply the patches to the GeoNetwork source code. There is one file per patch in case you need to manually make any changes. From the root core-geonetwork directory:

git apply --ignore-space-change --ignore-whitespace --reject --whitespace=fix schemas/dcat-ap/core-geonetwork-patches/*.patch

Build the application from the root core-geonetwork directory:

mvn clean install -DskipTests

After successfully building the application, you will find a WAR file in /web/target/geonetwork.war that you can deploy in your Tomcat 8.x servlet container, which contains GeoNetwork with the dcat-ap plugin and associated harvester. Alternatively, you can run GeoNetwork with the Maven Jetty plugin by executing the following command:

cd web
mvn jetty:run -Penv-dev

See for more information


  • Jo Cook (Astun Technology)


This schema plugin was forked from and adapted to work with GeoNetwork 3.10.x. As such it acknowledges the contributors and funding of the earlier version.


No releases published




  • XSLT 75.8%
  • Java 21.7%
  • Groovy 1.4%
  • Other 1.1%