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elastic-querybuilder Build Status

A query builder for Elasticsearch.


# Install with Yarn
yarn add @asymmetrik/elastic-querybuilder
# Install with npm
npm install --save @asymmetrik/elastic-querybuilder


For a more comprehensive set of examples, see the __tests__ directory

First you need to create an instance of the query builder class:

const QueryBuilder = require('@asymmetrik/elastic-querybuilder');
const builder = new QueryBuilder();

Builder Methods


Change the starting point for paging to a new number. Default value is 0.

builder.from(from: number): QueryBuilder

Change the number of results to a new number. Default value is 15.

builder.size(size: number): QueryBuilder

Sets the track_scores option.

builder.trackScores(trackScores: boolean): QueryBuilder

Allows to set a value on the query object at your path.

builder.raw(size: number): QueryBuilder
const query = new QueryBuilder()
  .raw('query.bool.boost', 1.2)
  .must('match', 'name', 'Kenny')

//- Generates the following query
  from: 0,
  size: 15,
  query: {
    bool: {
      boost: 1.2, // was set by raw
      must: [ { match: { name: 'Kenny' }} ]

Build up a query object. If your last or only argument is a function, it will be passed a builder object that can be used to nest boolean queries or build nested queries. The must, should, filter, and must_not all have the same API and can be used in the same way.

  operation: string,
  field?: string|Object,
  value?: string,
  options?: Object,
  nester?: Function
): QueryBuilder

Simple Query

const query = new QueryBuilder()

//- Generates the following query
  from: 0,
  size: 15,
  query: {
    match_all: {}

Simple Query with options

const query = new QueryBuilder()
  .query('match_all', { boost: 2.4, fuzziness: 'auto' })

//- Generates the following query
  from: 0,
  size: 15,
  query: {
    match_all: {
      boost: 2.4,
      fuzziness: 'auto'

Simple Query with field and value

const query = new QueryBuilder()
  .query('match', 'location', 'South Park')

//- Generates the following query  
  from: 0,
  size: 15,
  query: {
    match: {
      location: 'SouthPark'

Query with callback to build nested queries.

const query = new QueryBuilder()
  .should('match', 'firstname', 'Joe')
  .should('match', 'firstname', 'John')
  .should(builder => builder
    .should('match', 'lastname', 'Smith')
    .should('match', 'lastname', 'Davis')

//- Generates the following query  
  from: 0,
  size: 15,
  query: {
    bool: {
      should: [
        { match: { firstname: 'Joe' }},
        { match: { firstname: 'John' }},
          bool: {
            should: [
              { match: { lastname: 'Smith' }},
              { match: { lastname: 'Davis' }}

Add a must boolean query to your ES query. See query above and __tests__ for examples.

  operation: string,
  field?: string|Object,
  value?: string,
  options?: Object,
  nester?: Function
): QueryBuilder

Add a should boolean query to your ES query. See query above and __tests__ for examples.

  operation: string,
  field?: string|Object,
  value?: string,
  options?: Object,
  nester?: Function
): QueryBuilder

Add a filter boolean query to your ES query. See query above and __tests__ for examples.

  operation: string,
  field?: string|Object,
  value?: string,
  options?: Object,
  nester?: Function
): QueryBuilder

Add a must_not boolean query to your ES query. See query above and __tests__ for examples.

  operation: string,
  field?: string|Object,
  value?: string,
  options?: Object,
  nester?: Function
): QueryBuilder

Generate aggregation type queries. This will build up the aggs property on an ES query.

  type: string
  field?: string|Object
  options?: Object,
  nester?: Function
): QueryBuilder

Simple Aggregation

const query = new QueryBuilder()
  .raw('explain', true)
  .aggs('avg', 'count')

//- Generates the following query
  from: 0,
  size: 15,
  explain: true,
  query: {
    match_all: {}
  aggs: {
    count: {
      avg: {
        field: 'count'

Multiple Aggregations

const query = new QueryBuilder()
  .aggs('geo_distance', 'location', {
    origin: '52.3760, 4.894',
    unit: 'km',
    ranges: [
      { to: 100 },
      { from: 100, to: 300 },
      { from: 300 }
  .aggs('max', 'price')
  .aggs('sum', 'sales')

//- Generates the following query
  from: 0,
  size: 15,
  query: {
    match_all: {}
  aggs: {
    location: {
      geo_distance: {
        field: 'location',
        origin: '52.3760, 4.894',
        unit: 'km',
        ranges: [
          { to: 100 },
          { from: 100, to: 300 },
          { from: 300 }
    price: {
      max: {
        field: 'price'
    sales: {
      sum: {
        field: 'sales'

Nested Aggregations

const query = new QueryBuilder()
  .aggs('nested', { path: 'locations' }, builder => builder
    .aggs('terms', '')

//- Generates the following query
  from: 0,
  size: 15,
  query: {
    match_all: {}
  aggs: {
    locations: {
      nested: {
        path: 'locations'
      aggs: {
        '': {
          terms: {
            field: ''

Add sorting options. This method essentially just takes a key and a value for an object.

  field?: string, // or Type of sort, could be something like _geo_distance
  value?: string|Object

Simple sort

const query = new QueryBuilder()
  .query( ... )
  .sort('age', 'desc')
//- Generates the following query
  from: 0,
  size: 15,
  query: { ... },
  sort: [
    { age: 'desc' }

Geo distance sort

const query = new QueryBuilder()
  .query( ... )
  .sort('_geo_distance', {
    coordinates: [ -70, 40 ],
    distance_type: 'arc',
    order: 'asc',
    unit: 'mi',
    mode: 'min'
//- Generates the following query
  from: 0,
  size: 15,
  query: { ... },
  sort: [
      _geo_distance: {
        coordinates: [ -70, 40 ],
        distance_type: 'arc',
        order: 'asc',
        unit: 'mi',
        mode: 'min'

Add functions to be used in function_score queries. This method essentially just takes a key and a value for an object and is only used when calling buildFunctionScore.

  field?: string|Object, // or Type of function
  value?: string|Object

Field value factor function

const query = new QueryBuilder()
  .query( ... )
  .func('field_value_factor', {
    field: 'number_of_something',
    modifier: 'ln2p',
    factor: 1
//- Generates the following query
  from: 0,
  size: 15,
  query: {
    function_score: {
      query: { ... },
      functions: [{
        field_value_factor: {
          field: 'number_of_something',
          modifier: 'ln2p',
          factor: 1

Filter function

const query = new QueryBuilder()
  .query( ... )
    weight: 100,
    filter: {
      match: {
        state: 'Colorado'
//- Generates the following query
  from: 0,
  size: 15,
  query: {
    function_score: {
      query: { ... },
      functions: [{
        weight: 100,
        filter: {
          match: {
            state: 'Colorado'

Build Functions


Build your basic query. This includes parameters set using query, must, should, filter, must_not, aggs, from, size, and raw. See __tests__ for more examples.
  options?: {
    // Name for your filtered aggregations, default is 'all'
    name?: string,
    // Add filters to your aggregations, better for accurate facet counts
    filterAggs?: boolean
): Object

Build your basic query. This includes parameters set using from, size, and raw. See __tests__ for more examples.

  options: {
    tie_breaker: number,
    boost: number,
    queries: Array<Object>,
    // You can add more parameters that belong on the
    // top level of a dis_max query. These are directly
    // passed in so if it is an invalid prop, your 
    // query will fail
): Object

Building a dis_max query

const query = new QueryBuilder()
    queries: [
      { term: { age: 31 }},
      { term: { age: 32 }}
    tie_breaker: 1.2,
    boost: 2
//- Generates the following query
  from: 0,
  size: 15,
  query: {
    dis_max: {
      queries: [
        { term: { age: 31 }},
        { term: { age: 32 }}
      tie_breaker: 1.2,
      boost: 2

Build your basic query. This includes parameters set using from, size, and raw. See __tests__ for more examples.

  options: {
    query: string,
    fields: Array<string>,
    type: string,
    tie_breaker: number,
    minimum_should_match: string
    // You can add more parameters that belong on the
    // top level of a dis_max query. These are directly
    // passed in so if it is an invalid prop, your 
    // query will fail
): Object

Building a multi_match query

const query = new QueryBuilder()
    query: 'The Coon',
    fields: ['superhero', 'name', 'alias'],
    type: 'best_fields',
    tie_breaker: 0.3,
    minimum_should_match: '30%'

//- Generates the following query
  from: 0,
  size: 15,
  query: {
    multi_match: {
      query: 'The Coon',
      fields: ['superhero', 'name', 'alias'],
      type: 'best_fields',
      tie_breaker: 0.3,
      minimum_should_match: '30%'

Build your basic query. This includes parameters set using query, must, should, filter, must_not, aggs, func, from, size, and raw. See __tests__ for more examples.

  options?: {
    // Name for your filtered aggregations, default is 'all'
    name?: string,
    // Add filters to your aggregations, better for accurate facet counts
    filterAggs?: boolean
): Object


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