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======================================================================== STATIC LIBRARY : SakuraEngine Project Overview

///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// Preparing a new project:

-  VC++ Directories -> Include Directories -> $(SolutionDir)depends/include/
-  VC++ Directories -> Include Directories -> $(SolutionDir)
-  VC++ Directories -> Library Directories -> $(SolutionDir)depends/lib/
-  VC++ Directories -> Library Directories -> $(SolutionDir)Debug/ or $(SolutionDir)Release/
-  Linker -> Additional Dependencies -> 

SDL2.lib SDL2main.lib SDL2_ttf.lib SDL2_mixer.lib openGL32.lib glew32.lib SakuraEngine.lib

- SET SUBSYSTEM : Linker -> System -> Console (/SUBSYSTEM:CONSOLE)
- Must include shader files

///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// ENGINE: /// Member Variables Sakura::Window m_window; ///< The game window

Sakura::GLSLProgram m_textureProgram; ///< The shader program

Sakura::InputManager m_inputManager; ///< Handles input

Sakura::Camera2D m_camera; ///< Main Camera

//Systems Initializing Sakura::init(); ///Initializes all the necessary Engine parameters///

m_window.create(char*, int, int, int);
m_window.create(char*, int, int, int, int, int, int, int)
///Create's the window centered on screen with (windowName, windowWidth, windowHeight, SDL Flags)
///Or (windowName, windowWidth, windowHeight, SDL Flags, windowPositionX, windowPositionY)
///windowPositionX, windowPositionY default to 0
///-1 windowPositionX or windowPositionY sets the window in the center of the screen
	///SDL Flags (can be OR together 4 (borderless)| 2(Fullscreen))
	Borderless = 2
	Fullscreen = 4
	Invisible = 1
	Windowed = 0

glClearColor(float, float, float, float);
///Used to set background color, 0.0f being no value, 
///1.0f being full 255 value(red value, green value, blue value, alpha value)

m_textureProgram.compileShaders(string, string);
///Shader initialization
///Compile shaders takes parameters (Fragment Shader FilePath, Vertex Shader FilePath)
///Add Attribute takes parameters (Data Type as it appears in the shader files; As A String)
///Link Shaders links the attributes to the sader files

m_camera.init(int, int);
///Initializes the camera with parameters (window width, window height)


///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// Other notes:

Will work on optimization later on

Thanks to Ben (makingGamesWithBen) for the tutorials that allowed me to develop this engine



Custom game engine






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