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apacketofsweets edited this page Feb 14, 2019 · 5 revisions

The IP-Travellers Toolkit is primarily designed for use on Linux, although all scripts should run on macOS, BSD(Free/Open/Net/Dragonfly) and Solaris if you add the path to applications into the script (e.g. change all instances of 'masscan' in each script to '/usr/local/etc/masscan' for it to work on FreeBSD).

The Toolkit requires the below applications in order to operate:

  • python 2.7+
  • masscan
  • vncsnapshot
  • mongo (supplied with the MongoDB server package)
  • tftp (client)

The below tools are supplied by default with most Linux distributions. macOS, BSD and Solaris variants may vary, but generally do supply these tools by default too:

  • bash
  • sudo
  • netcat (nc)
  • perl
  • wget
  • grep
  • cat

It is also recommended you install Screen so you don't have to keep your Terminal open once the Toolkit is running, and it makes it easier for running multiple scans at once.

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