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Sara04 committed Jun 15, 2020
2 parents d959bf0 + 0cc41de commit 463d45b
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Showing 4 changed files with 441 additions and 75 deletions.
3 changes: 2 additions & 1 deletion dmipy/optimizers/
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -1,4 +1,5 @@
__all__ = [
135 changes: 61 additions & 74 deletions dmipy/optimizers/
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@@ -1,6 +1,5 @@
import numpy as np
from dipy.utils.optpkg import optional_package
cvxpy, have_cvxpy, _ = optional_package("cvxpy")
import cvxpy

__all__ = [
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -47,103 +46,91 @@ class AmicoCvxpyOptimizer:
Learning Research 17.1 (2016): 2909-2913.

def __init__(self, acquisition_scheme, model, x0_vector=None,
lambda_1=None, lambda_2=None, Nt=10):
def __init__(self, model, acquisition_scheme, x0_vector=None,
lambda_1=None, lambda_2=None):
self.model = model
self.acquisition_scheme = acquisition_scheme
self.x0_vector = x0_vector

if len(lambda_1) != self.model.N_models or \
len(lambda_2) != self.model.N_models:
raise ValueError("Number of regularization weights should"
"correspond to the number of compartments!")

self.lambda_1 = lambda_1
self.lambda_2 = lambda_2

self.Nt = Nt

# Make a list of parameters that are not fixed and that require
# tessellation of parameter ranges
dir_params = [p for p in self.model.parameter_names
if p.endswith('mu')]
grid_params =\
[p for p in self.model.parameter_names
if not p.endswith('mu') and not p.startswith('partial_volume')]

# Compute length of the vector x0
x0_len = 0
for m_idx in range(self.model.N_models):
m_atoms = 1
for p in self.model.models[m_idx].parameter_names:
if self.model.model_names[m_idx] + p in grid_params:
m_atoms *= Nt
x0_len += m_atoms

# Creating parameter tessellation grids and corresponding indices
self.grids, self.idx = {}, {}
for m_idx in range(self.model.N_models):
model = self.model.models[m_idx]
model_name = self.model.model_names[m_idx]

param_sampling, grid_params_names = [], []
m_atoms = 1
for p in model.parameter_names:
if model_name + p not in grid_params:
grid_params_names.append(model_name + p)
p_range = self.model.parameter_ranges[model_name + p]
self.grids[model_name + p] = np.full(x0_len, np.mean(p_range))
param_sampling.append(np.linspace(p_range[0], p_range[1],
self.Nt, endpoint=True))
m_atoms *= self.Nt

self.idx[model_name] =\
sum([len(self.idx[k]) for k in self.idx]) + np.arange(m_atoms)
params_mesh = np.meshgrid(*param_sampling)
for p_idx, p in enumerate(grid_params_names):
self.grids[p][self.idx[model_name]] =\

self.grids['partial_volume_' + str(m_idx)] = np.zeros(x0_len)
self.grids['partial_volume_' +
str(m_idx)][self.idx[model_name]] = 1.

self.grids[dir_params[0]] = [0, 0]
self.M = self.model.simulate_signal(acquisition_scheme, self.grids)
self.M = self.M[:, ~acquisition_scheme.b0_mask].T

def __call__(self, data):
def __call__(self, data, M, grid, idx, x0_th=1.e-4):
The fitting function of AMICO optimizer.
data : Array of size (Ndata)
The normalized dMRI signal attenuation to be fitted.
M: Array of size (Ndata, Nx)
The observation matrix containing Nx model atoms
grid: dict
Dictionary containing tessellation of parameters to be estimated
for each model within multi-compartment model
idx: dict
Dictionary containing indices that correspond to the parameters
to be estimated for each model within multi-compartment model
x0_th: float
Threshold for selecting important atoms after solving NNLS
with L1 and L2 regularization terms
fitted_parameter_vector : Array of size (Nx),
Vector containing probability distributions of the parameters that
are being estimated
fitted_parameter_vector : Array of size (Np),
Vector containing estimated parameters

# 1. Contracting matrix M and data to have one b=0 value
M = np.vstack((np.mean(M[self.acquisition_scheme.b0_mask, :], axis=0),
M[~self.acquisition_scheme.b0_mask, :]))
data = np.append(np.mean(data[self.acquisition_scheme.b0_mask]),

# 2. Selecting important atoms by solving NNLS
# regularized with L1 and L2 norms
x0 = cvxpy.Variable(len(self.x0_vector))

cost = 0.5 * cvxpy.sum_squares(self.M * x0 -
cost = 0.5 * cvxpy.sum_squares(M * x0 - data)
for m_idx, model_name in enumerate(self.model.model_names):
cost += self.lambda_1[m_idx] *\
cvxpy.norm(x0[self.idx[model_name]], 1)
cost += 0.5 * self.lambda_2[m_idx] *\
cvxpy.norm(x0[self.idx[model_name]], 2) ** 2

cost += self.lambda_1[m_idx] * \
cvxpy.norm(x0[idx[model_name]], 1)
cost += 0.5 * self.lambda_2[m_idx] * \
cvxpy.norm(x0[idx[model_name]], 2) ** 2
problem = cvxpy.Problem(cvxpy.Minimize(cost), [x0 >= 0])

# M-pruning
# estimate x0 vector with non negative least squares

self.x0_vector = x0.value

return self.x0_vector
# 3. Computing distribution vector x0_vector by solving NNLS
x0_idx_i = self.x0_vector > x0_th
x0_i = cvxpy.Variable(sum(x0_idx_i))
cost = cvxpy.sum_squares(M[:, x0_idx_i] * x0_i - data)
problem = cvxpy.Problem(cvxpy.Minimize(cost), [x0_i >= 0])
self.x0_vector[~x0_idx_i] = 0.
self.x0_vector[x0_idx_i] = x0_i.value
self.x0_vector /= (np.sum(self.x0_vector) + 1.e-8)

# 4. Estimating parameters based using estimated distribution
# vector and tessellation grids
fitted_parameter_vector = []
for m_idx, model_name in enumerate(self.model.model_names):
m = self.model.models[m_idx]
if 'partial_volume_' + str(m_idx) in grid:
p_estim = np.sum(self.x0_vector[idx[model_name]])
for p in m.parameter_names:
if p.endswith('mu'):
if model_name + p in grid:
p_estim = \
np.sum(grid[model_name + p][idx[model_name]] *
self.x0_vector[idx[model_name]]) /\
(np.sum(self.x0_vector[idx[model_name]]) + 1.e-8)

return fitted_parameter_vector
210 changes: 210 additions & 0 deletions dmipy/optimizers/tests/
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,210 @@
import numpy as np

from numpy.testing import assert_almost_equal
from import saved_acquisition_schemes

from dmipy.signal_models import cylinder_models, gaussian_models
from dmipy.distributions.distribute_models import SD1WatsonDistributed
from dmipy.core.modeling_framework import MultiCompartmentModel

from dmipy.optimizers import amico_cvxpy

def create_noddi_watson_model(lambda_iso_diff=3.e-9, lambda_par_diff=1.7e-9):
"""Creates NODDI mulit-compartment model with Watson distribution."""
lambda_iso_diff: float
isotropic diffusivity
lambda_par_diff: float
parallel diffusivity
Returns: MultiCompartmentModel instance
NODDI Watson multi-compartment model instance
ball = gaussian_models.G1Ball()
stick = cylinder_models.C1Stick()
zeppelin = gaussian_models.G2Zeppelin()
watson_dispersed_bundle = SD1WatsonDistributed(models=[stick, zeppelin])

NODDI_mod = MultiCompartmentModel(models=[ball, watson_dispersed_bundle])
NODDI_mod.set_fixed_parameter('G1Ball_1_lambda_iso', lambda_iso_diff)

return NODDI_mod

def forward_model_matrix(mc_model, acquisition_scheme, model_dirs, Nt=12):
"""Creates forward model matrix."""
mc_model: MultiCompartmentModel instance
multi-compartment model instance
acquisition_scheme: DmipyAcquisitionScheme instance
acquisition scheme
model_dirs: list
containing direction of all models in multi-compartment model
Nt: int
number of samples for tessellation of parameter range
M: Array of size (Ndata, Nx)
The observation matrix containing Nx model atoms
grid: dict
Dictionary containing tessellation of parameters to be
estimated for each model within multi-compartment model
idx: dict
Dictionary containing indices that correspond to the
parameters to be estimated for each model within
multi-compartment model
N_models = len(mc_model.models)

dir_params = [p for p in mc_model.parameter_names if p.endswith('mu')]
if len(dir_params) != len(model_dirs):
raise ValueError("Length of model_dirs should correspond "
"to the number of directional parameters!")
grid_params = [p for p in mc_model.parameter_names
if not p.endswith('mu') and
not p.startswith('partial_volume')]

_amico_grid, _amico_idx = {}, {}

# Compute length of the vector x0
x0_len = 0
for m_idx in range(N_models):
m_atoms = 1
for p in mc_model.models[m_idx].parameter_names:
if mc_model.model_names[m_idx] + p in grid_params:
m_atoms *= Nt
x0_len += m_atoms

for m_idx in range(N_models):
model = mc_model.models[m_idx]
model_name = mc_model.model_names[m_idx]

param_sampling, grid_params_names = [], []
m_atoms = 1
for p in model.parameter_names:
if model_name + p not in grid_params:
grid_params_names.append(model_name + p)
p_range = mc_model.parameter_ranges[model_name + p]
_amico_grid[model_name + p] = np.full(x0_len, np.mean(p_range))
param_sampling.append(np.linspace(p_range[0], p_range[1], Nt,
m_atoms *= Nt

_amico_idx[model_name] =\
sum([len(_amico_idx[k]) for k in _amico_idx]) + np.arange(m_atoms)

params_mesh = np.meshgrid(*param_sampling)
for p_idx, p in enumerate(grid_params_names):
_amico_grid[p][_amico_idx[model_name]] = \

_amico_grid['partial_volume_' + str(m_idx)] = np.zeros(x0_len)
_amico_grid['partial_volume_' +
str(m_idx)][_amico_idx[model_name]] = 1.

for d_idx, dp in enumerate(dir_params):
_amico_grid[dp] = model_dirs[d_idx]

return (mc_model.simulate_signal(acquisition_scheme, _amico_grid).T,
_amico_grid, _amico_idx)

def simulate_signals(mc_model, acquisition_scheme, n_samples=100):
"""Simulates signals for given multi-compartment model."""
mc_model: MultiCompartmentModel instance
multi-compartment model instance
acquisition_scheme: DmipyAcquisitionScheme instance
acquisition scheme
n_samples: int
number of samples to generate
simulated_signals: Array of size (Nsamples, Ndata)
simulated signals
ground_truth: dict
dictionary containing ground truth for each parameter
dirs: Array of size (Nsamples, 2)
direction of anisotropic compartment
arguments = {}
arguments['partial_volume_0'] = np.random.uniform(0., 1., n_samples)
arguments['partial_volume_1'] = 1. - arguments['partial_volume_0']
for p in mc_model.parameter_names:
if p.startswith('partial_volume'):
p_range = mc_model.parameter_ranges[p]
if p.endswith('mu'):
theta = np.random.uniform(p_range[0][0], p_range[0][1], n_samples)
phi = np.random.uniform(p_range[1][0], p_range[1][1], n_samples)
arg_samples = np.column_stack((theta, phi))
directions = arg_samples
arg_samples = np.random.uniform(p_range[0], p_range[1], n_samples)
arguments[p] = arg_samples

return (mc_model.simulate_signal(acquisition_scheme, arguments),
arguments, directions)

def test_amico(lambda_1=[0, 0.0001], lambda_2=[0, 0.0000001], Nt=12):
"""Tests amico optimizer."""
lambda_1: list
list of L1 regularization constants for each compartment
lambda_2: list
list of L2 regularization constants for each compartment
Nt: int
number of samples for tessellation of parameter range
mc_model = create_noddi_watson_model()
scheme_hcp = saved_acquisition_schemes.wu_minn_hcp_acquisition_scheme()
grid_params = [p for p in mc_model.parameter_names
if not p.endswith('mu') and
not p.startswith('partial_volume')]

x0_len = 0
for m_idx in range(len(mc_model.models)):
m_atoms = 1
for p in mc_model.models[m_idx].parameter_names:
if mc_model.model_names[m_idx] + p in grid_params:
m_atoms *= Nt
x0_len += m_atoms
x0_vector = np.zeros(x0_len)

amico_opt = amico_cvxpy.AmicoCvxpyOptimizer(mc_model, scheme_hcp,

signals, gt, dirs = simulate_signals(mc_model, scheme_hcp)

v_iso_estim = np.zeros(signals.shape[0])
v_ic_estim = np.zeros(signals.shape[0])
od_estim = np.zeros(signals.shape[0])
for i in range(signals.shape[0]):
model_dirs = [dirs[i, :]]
M, grid, idx = \
forward_model_matrix(mc_model, scheme_hcp, model_dirs, Nt)
parameters = amico_opt(signals[i, :], M, grid, idx)
v_iso_estim[i] = parameters[0]
od_estim[i] = parameters[2]
v_ic_estim[i] = parameters[3]

gt['partial_volume_0'], 2)
gt['SD1WatsonDistributed_1_partial_volume_0'], 2)
gt['SD1WatsonDistributed_1_SD1Watson_1_odi'], 1)

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