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Miroslav Vasilev edited this page Dec 9, 2020 · 11 revisions

Basic Installation

  1. Drag & Drop AtherysCore into your mods folder. An h2 database will be generated within the config/atheryscore folder which will be used to persist all Atherys plugin data.

Advanced Setup

For more serious, production-ready setups, it is recommended to use something other than h2. AtherysCore includes within it the PostgreSQL driver, and that is also the database engine we recommend. It is also possible to use MySQL/MariaDB, however this is not advised, as we do not support database migrations for this database.

PostgreSQL ( Recommended )

jpa {
    hibernate {
        "hibernate.connection.password"="<postgre password>"
        "hibernate.connection.username"=<postgre username>
        "hibernate.connection.pool_size"="50" # it may be necessary to increase this, depending on the load being put on the database


⚠️ WARNING: MySQL/MariaDB support, while present, is not maintained actively. It may work, but has a high probability of breaking between version upgrades. ⚠️

jpa {
    hibernate {
        "hibernate.connection.username"=<mysql username>
        "hibernate.connection.password"="<mysql password>"
        "hibernate.connection.pool_size"="50" # it may be necessary to increase this, depending on the load being put on the database