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Alex Javier edited this page May 11, 2021 · 6 revisions

As a team, we came up with the following personas:

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Our experience targets these 4 personas by providing a more comprehensive perspective on a controversy they may or not may know about. Since 3 out of the 4 individuals have little to no background knowledge on the motivations behind athlete activism, it prompts us to create an experience that provides them with context to help quell assumptions. Also, all of these personas have differing lived experiences (to varying extents) from the person they’re embodying in our simulation—propelling us to show them this disparity and hopefully incite some empathy and understanding.

To Bill, our experience will allow him to acquire more knowledge about athlete activism, encouraging him to learn more and potentially be more involved in social issues like these. For Emoni, an African American athlete, seeing part of his life paralleled encourages him to use his experiences as fodder to become an athlete activist himself in the near future. For Joe, who is both against politics and technology, this user-friendly technological experience will hopefully show him why politics are important for those that are fighting for their rights. For John, our experience will be an introduction to social justice, activism, and will exhibit how the athletes he watches are using their platforms for good.

Using our understanding of these personas, they have encouraged us to focus on a target audience that is less knowledgable about sports and athlete activism in general. By targeting these people, we will be able to use logos to provide the context and background of the controversy throughout our experience and use pathos to elicit emotion and empathy. Understanding the facts and information that create the conflict in the first place and developing empathy is vital to helping this chosen target audience, those who are less knowledgeable of the situation, better understand the athletes’ often silenced perspective.

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