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A meltano tap to ingest data from Google Sheets

Meltano configuration:

  - name: tap-gsheets
    namespace: tap_gsheets
    pip_url: git+
    executable: tap-gsheets
      underscore_columns: True/False
      singular_table_name: True/False
        - spreadsheet_id: <spreadsheet_id>
          sheets: [<Llist of sheets>]


  1. client_id: Client ID of the Google API
  2. refresh_token: Refresh token of the Google API
  3. client_secret: Client secret of the Google API
  4. underscore_columns: If True, it will convert the column names to underscore separated
  5. singular_table_name: If True, it will convert the sheet name to singular form
  6. spreadsheets: List of spreadsheets to be ingested
  7. spreadsheet_id: ID of the spreadsheet
  8. sheets: it can be a list of sheets or a list of dictionaries with sheet name and final table name
    1. If it is a list of sheets, it will ingest all the sheets with the same name as the sheet
    • ex: [sheet1,sheet2] will ingest the sheets as sheet1 and sheet2
    1. If it is a list of dictionaries, it will ingest the sheets with the name as the key and the value as the final table name
    • ex: [{'sheet1':'final_table1'},{'sheet2':'final_table2'}] will ingest the sheets as final_table1 and final_table2

Note: Feel free to raise an issue if you find any bugs or have any suggestions