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Willow Lockehart edited this page Apr 30, 2024 · 10 revisions


To get your mod up and running with ISF, you can drag and drop its main folder inside our bespoke web tool that will parse the contents of the mod folder and generate an ISF configuration JSON file based on your mod's contents:

  1. Drag and drop your mod folder onto the website. Alternatively, you can copy and paste it.
  2. Click "Save ISF JSON" to download the generated file.
  3. Place the JSON file alongside your mod's meta.lsx file.

That's it! With this tool, you can easily generate the necessary ISF configuration for your Baldur's Gate 3 mod. Now, please, review the generated JSON file and make sure it's correct and fits your mod's needs.

For further customization of the generated JSON file, you may consult the ISF Wiki's Config Settings page, as it will teach you what each setting does, and how they could be used for your mod.


Items listed: The generated JSON will include all the items in your mod that are not part of a vanilla treasure table like the Tutorial Chest one or the ones used by vendors.

This means that, for example, if your mod includes an item 'Barbarian Clothes' placed within a custom treasure table 'T' in a custom Chest container, the JSON will by default list the custom container, not the standalone 'Barbarian Clothes' item. This approach prevents duplicates because the chest itself will already contain the 'Barbarian Clothes'. You can of course add it back to the JSON if you want to by checking the template for the item within the ignored templates section.


Default settings: the default settings, also used by this generated JSON, will:

  • Send a single copy of each item to all four possible mailboxes, and none directly to the host's inventory.
  • Verify if an item exists in the player's party inventories, mailboxes, and perform an internal ISF check using ModVars.
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