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Releases: AtlasC0R3/drop-mod

2.2.0: fixing the broken

03 Apr 22:04
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it's been what, like, 8-9 months since I pushed a main release of this library?
this time it's nothing new, just fixing what broke during that time.


  • Fixed fetching Genius lyrics, it no longer throws a RecursionError exception
  • Fixed Genius lyrics having random crap as a prefix and a suffix, no longer does the lyric string have (Title Name) Lyrics at the beginning and 2Embed (or any number) at the end of everything.
  • Fixed Tumblr not working, turns out it does not like aiohttp's default user agents.
  • Fixed cat image fetching

this is like my third time publishing this release now, i forgot how to github please help

2.2.0rc1: fixing broken things

01 Apr 22:55
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been months since I've given this an update, mostly got bored of writing... nothing.
really, after the death of drop-discord I just stopped caring about this. this project's death is unfortunately near.
ANYWAY, not that matters to you.


Fixed fetching Genius lyrics, it no longer throws a RecursionError exception
Fixed Tumblr not working, turns out it does not like aiohttp's default user agents.
Fixed cat image fetching

There are still some broken things, hence why it's a prerelease.

2.1.1: tumblr blog images

24 Jul 21:22
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That's literally it.

from drop.ext import random_tumblr_image
post = await random_tumblr_image('never-obsolete')
post.image  #
post.url  #

2.0.2: fixed todo stuff

23 Jul 18:58
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  • fixed todo not working properly
  • added markdown license links

2.0.1: dog function

09 Jul 02:25
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its literally just an update that adds dog_image()

2.0: no more dictionaries

08 Jul 01:44
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Okay, that's not 100% true. Some things, like rules, still do use dictionaries. But hey, a lot of things are now their own dedicated classes!

What's with the new major version?

Some things have been reworked. Yeah, some. Okay, I lied, maybe a bit more things. Yeah.
... Okay fine, most things inside drop-mod now use classes instead of dictionaries (warns, mutes, todo lists, lyrics, search results, tempbans).
That's why.


Just a few things, uh let's get started.

  • search() no longer uses DuckDuckGo only
    Drop now tries fetching an Instant Answer from DuckDuckGo. If it cannot find such thing, it'll then use Qwant to get, well, search results, like one would expect when using, say, Google. And no, I won't use Google; it's not quite privacy friendly.
  • HTTP requests now use aiohttp and async.
    No more pausing your entire bot just because one tried looking up song lyrics, Internet searches, or their favorite Steam game.
  • Less dependencies: DuckDuckPy and LyricsGenius are no longer needed.
    Drop does it by itself now. Like a big boy.
  • Warns now use their own classes instead of dictionaries.
    That being said, you can still use them as dictionaries, as some sort of legacy resort thing, although I wouldn't do that if I were you.
  • offender_name in warns is now deprecated
    Not that it's a feature or anything, I just didn't find any good use cases for this thing. Oh and I just thought I'd let you know.
  • Completely reworked lyrics
    No longer will you have to specify both title and artist. Now you can just look up in the end linkin park or something, instead of having to specify title and artist. That being said, you can still be a masochist and do Song Title - Song Artist, Genius should be able to understand it.
  • Removed the GUI
    Did anyone even use it? It's so bad, I didn't know how to make a GUI. And I still don't. But anyway, it's gotten to the point where I just never updated it.
  • Urban Dictionary functions
    Yeah, now there's Urban Dictionary functions. So you can finally learn what "sempiternal" means. Or some other more obscure NSFW stuff if you're into that. I hope you're not. Or alternatively, you can learn a new random word.
  • catto image
    yay function to get random kity image: :))))

1.6: the code optimization

18 May 00:28
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Welp, that's a big change. Well, not in terms of "how to use the library", rather how the library itself does stuff, and how its code looks. All thanks to pylint!
(Oh and by the way, 1.5.1 has a pylint score of 0.32/10 (!), whereas 1.6 has 9.14/10.)
So far the least optimized thing is drop's GUI frontend. Because, let's be real, it's half-baked and rushed. Buuut, I tried all that I could.


  • Added very basic module descriptions
  • Capped the line limit to 100 instead of 120 so code lines will be less long than they were
  • Module variables now follow the UPPER_CASE naming style
  • Optimized imports (no more wildcards)
  • Accidentally fixed the search function a bit
  • Did some minor but numerous changes to the GUI a bit (too many for me to list them, 'cause this update is about code optimization dangit.)
  • Drop exceptions now raise from the original Python exception
  • Er, __version__ is now at 1.6

1.5.1: the one that actually works

29 Apr 22:29
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this time i hopefully won't release broken code

  • Fixed lyric functions
  • edit_guild_todo() is now a thing
  • Config commands now work!..... god dammit.

1.5: config commands

23 Apr 16:42
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why did I suddenly gain motivation?

  • migrate_user(), to migrate every warns, mutes and temp bans from one user to another
  • Guild/bot commands are here! drop-mod can now handle config files for you.

1.4.1: small bug fixes

22 Apr 01:08
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not even 24 hours and I already updated.

  • Fixed get_steam_app_info()
  • Added format_names() (from ['john', 'jane', 'weird name'] to john, jane and weird name)