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Core Registration and Operating Data Collection Reference

This document outlines the process, structure, and format for: 1) registering projects, and associated stations and ports, and 2) collecting core station operating (session & cost) data. These data are then validated with the resulting information compiled into standard reporting metrics.

  1. Registration data contains records of each project, station and port deployed by the program. These data are collected from the obligated party or data provider at the point of funding by the program administrator and then transmitted to the data aggregator.

  2. Use (session) data contains records of the individual charging sessions at program-funded stations. These data are collected for each reporting period by the data provider and transmitted to the data aggregator. Registration information is also used in specification extensions linking to cost [FORTHCOMING], reliability [FORTHCOMING], and grid impact [FORTHCOMING] reporting specifications.


  1. Program Registry and Onboarding Process

    1. Project Registration
    2. Station Registration
    3. Port Registration
  2. Operating Data Collection

Program Registry and Onboarding Process

The program registry contains entries for all charging ports deployed by program funding and is a critical component of the evaluation, measurement, and verification process because it contains the reference information required for program reporting activities. Project registration data is collected and maintained by the program administrator or data aggregator. Recommended practice is to integrate registration data collection with administrative onboarding processes to reduce duplicative effort and ensure that all necessary registration data collection occurs prior to funding disbursement. Figure 1 shows the program registry hierarchy with individual identifying keys that link the entries together.

Figure 1. Registration Hierarchy

graph TD

A[Table 1: Project]
B[Table 2: Station]
C[Table 3: Port]
A --station_id--> B
A --project_id--> C
B --station_id--> C

Project registration is tied to a single obligated party and records project-level information such as funding source and amounts. Projects are limited to a single physical address but may cover many individual charging port deployments. Station registration (based on address) is recorded in parallel with project onboarding. While a project is limited to a single station, a station may receive funding from multiple projects over time. If a second project is applied to a station that is already in the system, then it should be linked to the existing station rather than generating a new station entry.

Because charging ports generate usage data, they are the fundamental reporting unit in the program registry. Sessions and other usage data are linked to ports, which inherit all above attributes, making it possible to link each session to the associated station, project, and obligated party. In many cases, the obligated party will not be the organization that directly collects charging use data. Instead, many obligated parties will deploy chargers managed by a third party that monitors port usage.

To facilitate efficient data sharing, the third party that monitors port usage may also be designated as the data provider, which allows for direct data transfer to the data aggregator and may also provide efficiencies of scale if the third-party data provider is contracted with multiple obligated parties. In this case, the participant must provide the program administrator with port identifiers that are consistent with those used by the data provider as well as the necessary credentials and information to access reported usage data. See model language for data collection [FORTHCOMING] for sample language to facilitate the efficient collection of data.

Fields marked as required must be included to comply with the specification, while optional fields may be made required at the discretion of the program administrator

Project Registration

During project onboarding the program administrator will collect and record project-level information from the applicant obligated party as outlined in Table 1. Project registration includes applicant information and general information on project funding including public/utility funding source and amount, and must be associated with a single geographic location (station). If detailed cost information, including itemized installation costs are desired, please see the installation costs extension [FORTHCOMING].

Refer to Field Type and Format Reference for more information on field types and formats. Additional fields may be appended as new columns are needed, but existing columns and their formats should be maintained to support compatibility.

Table 1: Project Registration

Field Name Description Type Default Part 680 Requirement
project_id Unique identification code specific to individual funding application or contract. Project ID is supplied by [Department] upon approval of funding. string yes yes
station_id Unique identity specific to the physical location of the station (site) funded by the project. Station ID must be same as the permanent station identifier provided to third parties pursuant to CFR 23 § 680.116(c)(1). string yes yes
org_name Organization name of the obligated party. string yes no
org_address Street address of obligated party. string yes no
org_city City of obligated party. string yes no
org_state Valid state code of obligated party. string yes no
org_zip Valid ZIP Code of entity responsible for operation and maintenance of the of the funded charging station. string yes no
poc_email Obligated party point of contact valid email address string yes no
poc_first_name Obligated party point of contact first name string yes no
poc_last_name Obligated party point of contact last name string yes no
project_award_date Date when project funding was awarded date yes no
primary_funding_source Primary public funding source for the project/application string yes no
primary_funding Total funding (in USD) station received from the primary funding source dedicated to station deployment. (should not include any funding for station operation costs) float(2) yes no
utility_makeready Total funding (in USD) the project received from electric utilities dedicated to infrastructure make-ready float(2) yes no
utility_funding_other Total funding (in USD) the project received from utility for equipment or other non-make-ready costs (should not include any funding for operational costs) float(2) yes no
other_makeready Total funding (in USD) other public funding received dedicated to infrastructure make-ready float(2) yes no
other_funding_other Amount of other public funding project received for equipment or other non-make-ready costs (should not include any funding for operational costs) float(2) yes no
cost_share Funding amount project has received from other (private, non-utility) sources when combined with primary_funding and utility_funding and other_public_funding equals the total cost of the charging installation float(2) yes no
equipment_cost Cost (in USD) to acquire funded charging equipment. float(2) no yes
install_cost Cost (in USD) for all labor and materials costs (including electrical equipment) necessary to necessary to install charging equipment. float(2) no yes
property_cost Cost (in USD) to acquire real property on which to install funded chargers. float(2) no yes
der_equipment_cost Cost (in USD) to acquire distributed energy resource equipment. float(2) no yes
der_install_cost Cost (in USD) for all labor and materials costs (including electrical equipment) necessary to install distributed energy resources equipment. float(2) no yes
distribution_costs Cost (in USD) of contributions in aid of construction for line extensions and upgrades necessary to install chargers. float(2) no yes
service_costs Cost (in USD) of contributions in aid of construction for service upgrade costs for customer transformers, poles, meters, and other utility service equipment necessary to install chargers. float(2) no yes
dac_type Method, model or program definition of disadvantaged community. For example CEJST 1.0. string no no
in_dac Project is located inside of disadvantaged community as specified by dac_type. boolean no no
dac_proximate Project is located within a program specified distance from disadvantaged community as as specified by dac_type. boolean no no
total_power The total charger power capacity (in kW) deployed by the project - if charging equipment share power supplies, only the maximum simulataneous power output should be reported. float no no

Station Registration

Also during project onboarding, the program administrator will collect station information from the applicant obligated party. If the station address of the project matches a station already in the station registry, then the project should be associated with the existing station_id.

Table 2: Station Registration

Field Name Description Type Default Part 680 Requirement
station_id Unique identity specific to the physical location of the station (site) funded by the project. (For NEVI/Part 680 programs, Station ID must be same as the permanent station identifier provided to third parties pursuant to CFR 23 § 680.116(c)(1). string yes yes
station_name Descriptive name of charging site (e.g., Mercy Hospital). string yes no
station_address Street address of charging station. string yes yes
station_city City where charging station is located. string yes yes
station_state Valid state code of state where station or territory where the station is located string yes yes
station_zip Valid ZIP code of where station is located. string(5) yes yes
station_county Station county (or county analogue) string no yes
station_lon Station center WSG84-encoded longitude in decimal degrees to at least 4 decimal places. Valid longitudes are between -180 and 180 float(>3) no yes
station_lat Station center WSG84 encoded latitude in decimal degrees to at least 4 decimal places. Valid latitudes are between -90 and 90. float(>3) no yes
operator_name Name of entity responsible for operation and maintenance of the funded charging station. string yes yes
operator_address Street address of entity responsible for operation and maintenance of the funded charging station. string yes yes
operator_city City of entity responsible for operation and maintenance of the funded charging station. string yes yes
operator_state Valid state code of entity responsible for operation and maintenance of the funded charging station. string yes yes
operator_zip Valid ZIP Code of entity responsible for operation and maintenance of the of the funded charging station. string(5) yes yes
operating_status Valid Operating Status. string yes no
access_type Valid Access Type. string yes no
site_host_type Type of site host for the charging station. (e.g. public, workplace, MUD) string yes no
site_host_type_detail Additional detail on site host land use. (e.g. hospital, hotel, parking garage, etc.) string no no
host_first_name Station host point of contact first name string yes no
host_last_name Station host point of contact last name string yes no
host_email Station host point of contact email address string yes no
onsite_der Station has distributed energy resource. boolean yes yes
onsite_der_type Valid Distributed Energy Resource Type string yes
der_power Nameplate capacity of onsite energy generation in kW float(2) no yes
der_energy Combined nameplate capacity of onsite energy generation and/or maximum battery discharge capacity in kilowatts (kW). float(2) no yes

Port Registration

Also during project onboarding, the program administrator will collect port information from the applicant obligated party. If usage data will be provided by a third-party data provider, collecting the port identifier used by that third party to identify specific ports in their system is a critical step in the onboarding process. This ensures that the data aggregator can successfully link usage data secured from the data provider to ports within the registry. The program administrator should also have a process in place to update the port registration if a port is upgraded, taken offline, or if the data provider is replaced.

Each port inherits the attributes of the site where it is located and the project that funded it. port registration entries also include attributes specific to the individual charging port including exact location, power level, and other port-level attributes as listed in Table 3.

Refer to Field Type and Format Reference for more information on field types and formats. Additional fields may be appended as new columns as needed, but existing columns and their formats should be maintained to support compatibility interoperability.

Table 3: Port Registration

Field Name Description Type Default Part 680 Requirement
port_id Unique identifier for specified port. (For NEVI or other Part 680 project, port_id must be same as the permanent station identifier provided to third parties pursuant to CFR 23 § 680.116(c)(8)(iii).) string yes yes
project_id Unique identification code specific to individual funding application or contract. Project ID is supplied by administrator upon approval of funding. string yes yes
station_id Unique identifier for the station where specific port is located. (For NEVI or other Part 680 project, station_id must be same as the permanent station identifier provided to third parties pursuant to CFR 23 § 680.116(c)(1)). string yes yes
data_provider_org Data provider organization name. string yes no
data_provider_poc_email Email address for data provider point of contact. string yes no
is_active Port operational status. boolean yes no
power_level_kw Maximum charging power level of the port (in kW) float yes yes
port_latitude Port WSG84-encoded latitude in decimal degrees to at least 4 decimal places. Valid longitudes are between -180 and 180 float(>3) yes no
port_longitude Port WSG84 encoded longitude in decimal degrees to at least 4 decimal places. Valid latitudes are between -90 and 90. float(>3) yes no
station_activation_date The first (full or partial) day where the station is fully operable and accessible for its intended purpose date yes no
charger_type Charging station type (level) string yes yes
connector_type Valid Connector Type. Multiple connector types should be separated by commas. string yes yes
energy_fee Fee charged to user per kWh (in USD). float(2) no no
session_fee Fee charged to user per session (in USD). float(2) no no
time_fee Fee charged to users per minute (in USD). float(2) no no
parking_fee Fee charged for parking if separate from time_fee (in USD). float(2) no no
idle_fee Fee charged for minutes not charging if separate from time fee (in USD). float(2) no no
operating_hours Number of hours station is open per day—e.g., a station that is always open has a value of 24 whereas a station that is open from 6 am to 6 pm has a value of 12. float no no
equipment_manufacturer Charging equipment or system manufacturer name. string no no
model_number Charging equipment or system model number. string no no
equipment_serial serial number of charging equipment or system. string no no
data_provider_poc_last Last name of the data provider point of contact. string no no
data_provider_poc_first First name of the data provider point of contact. string no no
network Name of network service provider. string no no
network_contact Email address for network service provider. string no no
evse_manufacturer Charging equipment manufacturer name. string no no
trailer_accessible Port located on pull through stall that can accommodate a vehicle and trailer boolean no yes
payments_accepted Valid Payment Type. string no yes

Operating Data Collection

Port usage is tracked by collecting data on:

  • individual charging sessions — the period between when a user connects their vehicle (plug in) and disconnects their vehicle (plug out).
  • station operating costs — summary data on energy, maintenance and repair costs over the reporitng interval.

Figure 2. Operating Data Reporting Hierarchy

graph TD

B[Table 3: Port Registration]
C[Table 4: Session]
D[Table 5: Operating Costs]
A --station_id & project_id--> B
B --port_id--> C
B --port_id--> D 

Session Data

The data provider collects session data for each reporting period as defined by the program administrator. The data is transmitted to the data aggregator by the data provider (or obligated party in the case where they operate their ports). Session data includes key information about how, when, and, for how long a charger is in use over the course of a single session (plug in to plug out). Each individual session should be included in the data only once. If data is collected at a subsession interval, it should be aggregated to the session level by the data provider prior to delivery to the data aggregator. Session data is keyed to the individual port where it occurred and inherits all above attributes of the participant, project, and station as shown in Figure 2.

Generally, the data provider may transmit session data to the data aggregator by: data portal, FTP, API, email, or other data sharing procedure. While data sharing is designed to be container agnostic, session data must conform to the format described in Table 5 and should be stored in (or convertible to) a broadly compatible container, such as a comma-separated values (CSV) file. Data transmissions procedure and file format may be further specified by the program administrator to suit program needs.

Refer to Field Type and Format Reference for more information on field types and formats. Additional fields may be appended as new columns as needed, but existing columns and their formats should be maintained to support compatibility.

Table 4: Session Reporting

Field Definition Data Format Default Part 680 Requirement
session_id Unique identifier for session record string yes yes
port_id Unique identifier for specified port. (For NEVI or other Part 680 project, port_id must be same as the permanent station identifier provided to third parties pursuant to CFR 23 § 680.116(c)(8)(iii).) string yes yes
plug_start_datetime Date and time of session initialization (plug in) date/time yes yes
plug_end_datetime Date and time of session termination (plug out) date/time yes yes
charge_start_datetime Date and time when charging began date/time yes no
charge_end_datetime Charging end date time date/time yes no
session_duration Total duration of session (plug in to plug out) duration no no
charging_duration Total duration of time when electricity was actively dispensed - may not always be equal to the difference between charge_start_datetime and charge_end_datetime due to charge interruptions or managed charging duration no  no
energy_kwh Electricity dispensed (in kilowatt-hours) during charging session non-negative float yes yes
peak_kw Session maximum power delivery (in kilowatts) non-negative float yes yes
total_fee_charged The amount charged to the EV driver (in USD) where applicable - zero if driver was not charged for an otherwise paid charger, NULL if charger is not paid float(2) yes no
energy_fee Fee (in USD) charged to user per kilowatt-hour float(2) yes no
session_fee Fee (in USD) charged to user per session float(2) no no
time_fee Fee (in USD) charged to users per minute float(2) no no
user_id Anonymized network-specific unique user ID string no no
successful_completion Whether or not the session ended as expected boolean no no
ended_by Cause of the session to end (e.g., unplugged while charging). string no no
start_soc Battery state of charge at session start represented as a decimal between 0 and 1 float(2) no no
end_soc Battery state of charge at session end represented as a decimal between 0 and 1 float(2) no no
error_code Session error code(s) if any. Separated by comma if multiple. string no yes
payment_type Valid Payment Type string no yes

Operating Costs Data

Operating costs are collected by the obligated party or the data provider. Operating costs data may be submitted by an online form, reporting spreadsheet or other reporting method as specified by the program administrator or data aggregator. Because collection of operating costs data is labor intensive, recommended practice is to collect these data on an infrequent basis.

Refer to Field Type and Format Reference for more information on field types and formats. Additional fields may be appended as new columns as needed, but existing columns and their formats should be maintained to support compatibility.

Table 5: Operating Costs Reporting

Field Definition Data Format Default Part 680 Requirement
station_id Unique identifier for specified port. (For NEVI or other Part 680 project, port_id must be same as the permanent station identifier provided to third parties pursuant to CFR 23 § 680.116(c)(8)(iii).) string yes yes
oc_period_start Start date of operations costs reporting period date yes no
oc_period_end End date of operations costs reporting period date yes no
oc_year Year of operating cost (if reported annually) string(4) no yes
station_mr Total maintanence and repair cost incurred (in USD) in reporting period or year float(2) yes yes
maintenance_cost Total amount paid (in USD) for maintenance costs during reporting period or year float(2) no no
repair_cost Total amount paid (in USD) for repair costs during reporting period of year float(2) no no
electricity_cost Total amount paid (in USD) for station electricity use during reporting period (estimated if station is not individually metered) float(2) yes no
network_costs Total amount paid (in USD) associated with network access, including network service fees, communications costs, transaction fees, etc. float(2) yes no

Table 6: Uptime Reporting

Field Definition Data Format Default Part 680 Requirement
port_id Unique identifier for specified port. (For NEVI or other Part 680 project, port_id must be same as the permanent station identifier provided to third parties pursuant to CFR 23 § 680.116(c)(8)(iii).) string no yes
station_id Unique identity specific to the physical location of the station (site) funded by the project. Station ID must be same as the permanent station identifier provided to third parties pursuant to CFR 23 § 680.116(c)(1). string no yes
uptime_period_start Start date of uptime reporting period. date no no
uptime_period_end End date of uptime reporting period. date no no
report_yr_mon Year and month of uptime summary in YYYYMM format if reported monthly (as required by part 680) string(6) no yes
uptime_pct Uptime percentage (between 0-100) for Port ID in uptime period or Report Year and Month. (For NEVI or other Part 680 project, calculated in accordance with CFR 23 § 680.116(b)). float(2) no yes
outage_total Total number of outage minutes (including partial minutes) for Port ID in in uptime period or Report Year and Month. For NEVI or other Part 680 project, calculated in accordance with CFR 23 § 680.116(b)). float(2) no yes
outage_excluded Total number of excluded outage minutes (including partial minutes) for Port ID in uptime period or Report Year and Month. (For NEVI or other Part 680 project, calculated in accordance with CFR 23 § 680.116(b)). float(2) no yes

Table 7: Outage Reporting

Field Definition Data Format Default Part 680 Requirement
outage_id Unique identifier for an individual outage on an individual port. string no yes
port_id Unique identifier for specified port. (For NEVI or other Part 680 project, port_id must be same as the permanent station identifier provided to third parties pursuant to CFR 23 § 680.116(c)(8)(iii).) string no yes
station_id Unique identity specific to the physical location of the station (site) funded by the project. (For NEVI or other Part 680 covered projects, Station ID must be same as the permanent station identifier provided to third parties pursuant to CFR 23 § 680.116(c)(1). string no yes
outage_start Date and time when outage started or was first detected. datetime no no
outage_end Date and time when outage was resolved. datetime no no
outage_duration Duration of outage in minutes (including partial minutes) float(2) no yes
outage_cause Cause of outage (e.g. equipment failure, power failure, vandalism). string no no
exempted_outage Is outage exempted under program rules? boolean no no