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Closed Aug 22, 2017 100% complete

@lipkau is leading the charge to refactor ConfluencePS to conform with currently accepted REST API PS module best practices. Because we anticipate some breaking changes, I'll be tracking this work as new major version 2.0.

This includes, but is not limited to:

  • Private functions
  • Pagination of results
  • Custom object types
  • Get-WikiPage feature improvements

@lipkau is leading the charge to refactor ConfluencePS to conform with currently accepted REST API PS module best practices. Because we anticipate some breaking changes, I'll be tracking this work as new major version 2.0.

This includes, but is not limited to:

  • Private functions
  • Pagination of results
  • Custom object types
  • Get-WikiPage feature improvements

This milestone is closed.

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