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Jeanfrancois Arcand edited this page Mar 9, 2015 · 11 revisions

Committer How To

Release Manager

  • 2.0.x: JeanFrançois Arcand
  • 2.1.x: Sebastian Lövdahl
  • 2.2.x: Aki Yoshida
  • 2.3.x: JeanFrançois Arcand

How to cut a release

Pre-release Announcement

First, send an email to the mailing list asking the community to test current SNAPSHOT if it's a dot dot release (2.2.x), or an RC if it's a major release (2.x). Give the community 24 hours.

If you release atmosphere-runtime, please make sure you also release atmosphere-samples with this new version.

Post-release Announcement

Send an email to the mailing list describing which module/project has been released: Atmosphere, NettoSphere, atmosphere-samples, etc with their respective changelog. The changelog can be generated using the issues labelled for that release.


  • Each of each project needs to be updated, including the changelog section.
  • script/ must be run to update the Javadoc


  • All commits on dot dot branches MUST have an associated issue.

Proposal for Git Commit

  • Consider starting the commit message with an applicable emoji:
    • 💄 :lipstick: when improving the format/structure of the code
    • 🐎 :racehorse: when improving performance
    • 🚱 :non-potable_water: when plugging memory leaks
    • 📝 :memo: when writing docs
    • 🐧 :penguin: when fixing something on Linux
    • 🍎 :apple: when fixing something on Mac OS
    • 🏁 :checkered_flag: when fixing something on Windows
    • 🐛 :bug: when fixing a bug
    • 🔥 :fire: when removing code or files
    • 💚 :green_heart: when fixing the CI build
    • :white_check_mark: when adding tests
    • 🔒 :lock: when dealing with security
    • ⬆️ :arrow_up: when upgrading dependencies
    • ⬇️ :arrow_down: when downgrading dependencies

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